Chapter 22: Family?

Start from the beginning

Sue: "Please, just tell me if you know him." He calms down and breathes deeply.

You: "He was my grandfather." I couldn't believe it. "W-why did you want to know?"

Sue: "Because... He was my father." I hear everybody gasp.

You: "S-so y-you're my...?"

Sue: "I guess, I'm technically, your aunt." I see his face turn a sick green color. "I-is something wrong?"

You: "I, I was told I had no family left. That they were all dead." What? His family was dead?

Asami POV

I couldn't believe it. He had family left. He wasn't alone. I see Sue get up and walk over to him. She holds out her arms waiting for a hug. He basically jumps out of his chair. I see tears running down his cheeks as they embrace. Sue was trying to comfort him the best she could. He had been alone for the past 7 years, no one ever caring for him until he found us. I know M/N won't tell Sue what he's been through. He doesn't like to just dump that stuff on people. I see him pull away and look down.

You: "I-I know why he left Toph." I see Sue gasp.

Sue: "W-what?" M/N sits down and sighs. I see Sue walk back to her chair and sit down.

You: "Is it true that Republic city was attacked by a group of old Fire Nation soldiers?"

Sue: "Well, I remember there were forces, but they left shortly after they came, they never truly attacked."

You: "They weren't Fire Nation. They were old enemies of my grandfather. They were after him. My dad told me a story about him. Have any of you ever heard of The Battle Of The Great Divide?"

Sue: "Yes, thousands died that day..."

You: "Including your father... He lead the forces away from Republic City to a desolate are where no life would be harmed. Then he fought them. Thousands and thousands of soldiers. All to protect his family... To protect you, Lin, and Toph. He didn't want to leave, but if they found out you were his family... They would've killed you." I see tears on Sue's face.

Sue: "No... My mother and I... we always hated him for leaving us. But he did it..."

You: "Because he loved you both, and would do whatever it takes to protect you." Sue excuses herself and exits the room in a hurry. Her husband and family follow soon after.

Korra: "Is that true? That he killed thousands?"

You: "My grandfather could be a true animal at times, especially when he was young, before he met Aang and his friends he would kill on sight. My father told me to never be like him. To keep "it" contained. Although I don't know what "it" is."

Korra POV

No... I know what he's talking about... When he was glowing F/C in that cave. He killed without a second thought. His grandfather couldn't control the power like M/N could.

You: "Should I have told her? I mean, he did have my dad with another woman. But it was before him and Toph got together."

Korra: "What do you mean?"

You: "Well, my grandfather had my dad with a waterbender, but he had Sue with Toph. So she does still kinda have the right to be mad at him."

Lin: "No she doesn't." I look up to see Lin with her head laying in her hand.

Korra: "What?"

Lin: "Toph had me before she was together with your grandfather. So, each of them had a kid before. Yet he still always treated me like his own. He would say that he and my mom would protect me and Sue, but that I should protect Sue too. When I asked who would keep them safe... He said he would make sure Me, Sue, and my mother would always be safe... No matter what the cost was... Your grandfather was no monster kid, or at least he wasn't with us. He was always nice and even when Sue would get in trouble... He would always get her out of it." She says laughing lightly. Wow, I don't think I've ever seen Lin like this before. "I remember one time my mom and I were chasing down a band of criminals. We had no idea Sue was with them doing them a "favor." I remember your grandfather jumping down and grabbing Sue then taking off again... She was so mad at both of them." I see Lin smiling now. "I honestly didn't think she'd do it... But she threw him in jail for 2 days!" She says now laughing. I couldn't help but laugh myself.

You: "Why does that sound very similar to how I see My and Korra's future playing out." Everybody stops laughing and looks at him. It takes him a second before he realizes what he said. I see his face become red and he sinks in his chair.

Korra: "Awww, is the wittle Dual Bender Embawassed?" I say mocking how he said it to me on the boat during our less than fulfilling vacation. He pouts and looks down.

You: "That was funnier when you were the embarrassed one." I hear everybody start laughing again.

Korra: "Hey!" I see him jump out of his seat. "I'll throw you in the dungeon if you aren't nicer to me." I thought I had him until he stands and bends down next to me.

You: "Oh, if either one of us is "naughty" it's you." I feel my cheeks heat up as he walks out. "I'll see everybody tomorrow."

Mako: "M/N, it's noon."

You: "I'm tired. Fight me about it." He sticks his hands in his pockets and walks off.

Asami: "So Korra, what'd he say?" I see everybody waiting intently, except for Lin, who seems to be lost in thought.

Korra: "Uhh... That's a um, private matter." I say confidently.

Asami: "Fine, but at least tell me then." She gets up and walks over next to me. I sigh but stand up and whisper what he said in her ear. I see her cheeks go red for a second. Before she bursts out laughing.

Korra: "Hey..."

Asami: "S-sorry Korra, but it's just that. It's true!" She says laughing even harder. "It's pretty obvious M/N knows nothing about relationships. I honestly thought that when you got into a relationship You'd be the lost one. It's so cute to watch you two flirt with each other. Neither one of you even knows what you're doing yet it always turns out perfect. And usually you're the more, should I say "aggressive one."

Korra: "Well, it's not like I can wait for him to figure it out. He didn't even know if he should call me boyfriend or girlfriend! He had to ask!" I see everybody laughing hard now, even Mako's laughing.

Asami: "What? There's no way!"

You: "Guys, my room is literally down the hall." Everybody stops laughing when they see him, except Bolin, who's face is a dark red from trying to hold it in.

Asami: "M/N, you truly are one of a kind." I see M/N smile.

You: "Technically you should say two of a kind, there were two dual benders after all. If you want someone who's one of a kind, that'd be her." He says pointing to me. I feel myself blushing again. I see him wink at me and walk out. "Who's the rookie now, "Honey?" Oh, come on, really M/N? I see everybody staring at me. Oh I am going to have to get him back for that one.

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