Chapters 19, 20 & 21

Start from the beginning

"How did you do that?" Alec asked as he pointed to Marec's armor.

"How is it that you can see?" Marec paced around Alec asking him several times to please face forward and assuring him that he was not going to attack him. Marec walked a full circle around Alec and then stood in front of him facing him.

"You are most intriguing young knight. I am unsure of what you are." Alec looked at Marec disapprovingly. Marec shook his head after a moment of contemplation and then looked to the sky.

"I am afraid that we have wasted too much time. I must be off, so that I may help prepare for the attack. As Marec walked away Alec couldn't help but notice the sparkling glow return to Marec's shield and armor and Alec was unsure of what that had meant. As Marec disappeared from sight Alec turned his attention toward the walls and scaled up so that he could see how things progressed.

He could see nearly half of the entire village's occupants out working on fortifying the walls. They were placing various traps to use against the Forsaken as they neared, varying from pits, horse and rider snares and other concealed contraptions that would release rocks and boulders. These particular traps would tumble their payload down the hillside or release a mass of flammable materials. He continued to walk about the village and noticed Eliza aiding in the effort, to create more arrow shafts and heads. He smiled as he noticed she already had several quivers by her station, filled with arrows as her dexterous hands quickly created more. He could see Zelus on the other side of the street helping to work the forges.

Alec walked over toward the forges and looked to see if there was anything, he could do to help the effort. Zelus was standing there, pounding away at the piece of hot steel that he was shaping. He looked up and nodded at Alec, acknowledging him.

"Is there anything I can do here to help?" Alec asked as he walked up to the owner of the forge.

"Afraid not, your friend here is a natural at the forges. If we all live through this, I think I will ask him to be my apprentice." Alec smiled in response and walked back to see if there were something else that he might be able to do. He ran to several different stations trying to help, but was continuously directed toward the next station. After seeing that everything was in place and that everyone was well staffed, Alec decided that there was only one other thing to be done. He turned his head toward the temple and walked towards it. As he entered the temple, he could not help but feel the enormous statue of Sidonis was staring at him, judging him as if to deem his worth.

It was at the temple that he saw the rest of the town, all of the elderly, the children, and the expecting, or nursing mothers. He walked the stone steps, searching about for Tear and the mysterious Talia Degracia. Alec walked within the temple, and gazed upon the cathedral ceiling, admiring the beauty of the stained glass. There were depictions of Aneira, represented as either a light or a maiden of indescribable beauty breathing life into Valoria and banishing the Forsaken who had removed her from their hearts. Alec could see depictions of Sidonis in full battle armor wielding his famed sword against those who threatened Aneira's flock.

Alec took his eyes from the ceiling and caught the eye of a priestess whom he had met earlier during his previous visit. He walked up to her and she smiled at him sweetly.

"Oh, why hello, Knight Alec, what may I assist you with today?" A temple priestess asked, wearing the silver and blue gowns of her order.

"Priestess, I was wondering if you could tell me where my young friend is that I brought in earlier, and if you have seen a young woman with auburn hair and bright green eyes?" The priestess thought for a moment before answering.

"I am sorry, Alec. I am not certain of the young woman, but little Tear is in the altar room praying to Aneira. I hope you realize that she is a most exceptional young lady. Poor dear, to have been captured by the Forsaken and only now that she has reached safety, do they come to our very doors."

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