Chapters 19, 20 & 21

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Chapter 19 - Battle Preparations 

"How many of them?" Alec continued to pass glances between Zelus and Eliza waiting for one of them to respond. Zelus and Eliza both turned and looked down to their feet, and Alec knew that they both feared the worst.

"I estimate one thousand soldiers." They all turned their attention to Marec who was approaching them from behind.

"Everyone, this is Marec." Zelus looked him up and down for a moment.

"He does not look like a paladin. Alec, are you sure?" Marec turned his attention toward Alec and raised his right eyebrow slightly. Alec shook his head, ignoring Zelus, and turned to Marec.

"You have more experience than any of us. What do you recommend?" Eliza and Zelus both turned and looked toward Alec with disbelief.

"Alec, you cannot be considering taking orders from his man. He looks like some wandering drunkard." Zelus gestured toward what he believed to be a battered old cloak and tarnished clothing but which still gleamed brightly to Alec. Marec looked upon the trio and smiled.

"Please, give but just one moment. It appears as though my anonymity is of little concern at this point in time." Marec began speaking in a low whisper to himself and began to trace a symbol that Alec could see on his belt.

"Oh, wow! Alec I had not realized it, but you are right. That is the mark of the paladin. I can see it now!" Zelus continued to exclaim but Eliza looked confused. Alec turned and looked at Marec whom to his eyes had not changed.

"Are you two joking? He looks the same as always." Marec smiled at the conundrum and stroked his chin.

"Alec, I believe what your friends say is the truth. Up until this point, my appearance was of a drunkard. I am unsure of how or why but what you have seen this entire time was my true appearance. This rune you see here on my belt is a rune used for creating illusions. Paladins use sigils and runes in order to manipulate magic." The trio looked to the paladin stunned. Alec's confusion was due to his ability to see through the illusion the entire time, Zelus and Eliza, the concept of magic.

As the three of them stared at Marec awaiting further instruction, Marec drew out his sword and shield.

"Alec, please draw your weapon. I noticed several holes in your defense when we brawled earlier that I would help you to correct."

"That kind of sums up Alec," Zelus agreed and Alec gave him an insinuating look. Alec was confused on whether he should be grateful or insulted by the man's remark, but, in light of arguing, he drew his own sword and shield, before looking to Marec.

"First off Alec, when you block an attack with your shield, it is important that you support the weight of the blow with more than just your arm. If you wish to endure several attacks, your arm must only be the fulcrum, which directs the force, but your body must bear it. Attack!" Alec stepped forward and swung his sword bringing it down upon Marec's shield. The sword bounced off harmlessly propelling it back towards Alec. Alec could feel the energy within the sword as if his own attack had just been reflected back. Marec smiled and raised his hand for Alec to stop.

"My apologies, my shield is still enchanted. Allow me but a moment." Marec began tracing a symbol in the air, and for a moment, Alec thought he could see a gleaming veil dissipate from around the shield.

"What was that?" Alec asked assured that Marec had finished what he was doing. Again, Marec raised an eyebrow to Alec and then turned toward Eliza and Zelus who had obviously not noticed.

"Would you mind leaving young Alec and I for a while? I will have him ready to fight in just a short while." Eliza and Zelus both nodded their heads and trotted off at high speeds in order to begin the preparations for the battle to come. Marec turned his attention back toward Alec and began to whisper to himself as he drew. This time it was Marec's armor that lost its sparkle.

The Last Paladin of Highmoore: The Legends of ValoriaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang