Chapter 8 & 9

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Chapter 8 – A Moment's Distraction

"Are you certain, miss? Are you certain that you saw a Lion Hawk?" Within the safety of the room that Marec had reserved, Talia had begun to relay what she had seen within the reflection.

"A brown-haired, green-eyed man, who found a Lion Hawk, by Aneira. That is indeed news, but how do we know that? Forgive me mistress, but how do we know that this was a vision and not weariness?" Talia pressed her fingers to either side of the bridge of her nose and massaged the edges of her gleaming eyes.

"This was no clear vision, true, but I assure you Marec, that this was not mere exhaustion. I have seen him on more than one occasion, and I know that I must find this boy, of that much I am certain. Aneira is guiding me, showing me glimpses of him so that I may recognize him when the time comes for the two of us to meet." Marec eyed Talia carefully.

"Milady? Do you have feelings for this boy?" Talia blushed intensely and found her tongue tied as a hard lump formed in her throat. She paused for a moment without answering. Marec sat on the floor, placing his back to the wall and tilting his head back to think.

"What is it that your highness wishes? Do we divert course in search of this boy or do we continue on?"

"No, Marec, we must continue on toward the shrine at Roak. There, I may complete the first stage of my pilgrimage and hope to obtain more insight on my visions."

"Very well, ma'am. Then by all means, please get some rest and we shall continue on in the early morning." Talia nodded as she sat down on the bed across the room and then looked to Marec.

"Marec, will you at least attempt to get some rest tonight?" Marec's back straightened, his head held high.

"I shall remain as I always have, vigilant." Talia frowned as she placed her head onto the pillow.

"Just promise that you will sleep for a little while." Marec smiled as she drifted off to sleep and he rose and moved the chair in front of the door where he placed his sword across his lap and waited.

Morning arrived and Marec awoke abruptly as his sword attempted to dip from his lap to the floor.

"Blast!" Marec stumbled out of his chair and searched about the room for Talia but saw no sign of her. Quickly, he dashed into the hallway and began calling out her alias.

"Sir, is there something the matter?" The innkeeper stepped forward from out of the back of the main room. Marec turned swiftly and stared at the man for a moment.

"Yes. Have by any chance you seen my daughter? I awoke this morning and she was not here."

"Aye, she came down this morn and had some breakfast, then went outside." Marec, with a nod of his head, thanked the man as he quickly exited the Inn and renewed his frantic search. He hadn't run far when his eyes came upon a very merry Talia in the grass playing with a group of children. Marec smiled as he watched her and the children laughing as they chased one another around in a circle yelling back and forth. Talia looked up and saw Marec, whose smile instantly dissipated.

"You didn't sleep for as long as I hoped you would." Talia frowned as she spoke the words. Marec looked her in the eye as he looked around to the children who were waiting for her to come back and play with them.


"I know Marec, we must be off. If you give me but just a moment, I shall be ready."

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