The Move In

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Selena's POV

'Ugh' , I hate mornings. I rolled over onto my other side and glanced at my still blaring alarm clock. it read 6:30. I felt like chucking it into the wall, but I resolved in just slamming my fist onto the OFF button. I sat up and sighed. Mornings are always bad for teens.

I heaved myself on to the side of my king sized bed and padded my way to the bathroom. I examined my face in the large mirror. I looked dead for pete's sake. I had deep, dark circles under my eyes. My lifeless hair was a bird nest and the rest was history. I stepped into the shower and waited until the water was scalding. Then I finally was able to relax. I washed and rinsed my body, then sat on the built in stone seat. The water ran hot over my lithe body for a long time before it turned cold.

I stumbled, still drowsy, out of the shower. Wrapping my body in a fluffy blue towel, I walked to my closet, that was on the other side of my room. I clicked on the light. Staring back at me was row after row of skinny jeans, Converse, and hoodies. My safe haven, basically. Choosing a pair of pants, a purple pair of high tops and a black pullover, and some underwear out of the compartment near the door, I backed out of my closet and placed my chosen articles onto me bed.

As I was getting dressed, I heard what sounded like a truck pull into my driveway. Glancing out of my bay window, I watched as the movers started unpacking the truck. I looked back on the bed for my shirt but couldn't find it. I turned and walked to my other window to get a better look at the new neighbors.

I came face to bra with a boy in the adjacent window. He was dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. His mop of black hair was falling into his face as he was frozen at his window with his eyes glued to my chest. I dropped to the floor with a loud shriek.

God, why me? Only I would be the dumb one to look out of a window with only a bra and some pants on. He looked like he hadn't seen my face. God I hope so.

My day proceeded as normal. I ate a small bowl of Cheerios then headed out of the door. I walked down our winding driveway to the edge of the street where my cute little Challenger was parked. As I rode to school, I listened Iggy Azalea. School was same ole same ole. I was walking down the hallway to home room when I walked into a wall. Well, maybe not a wall but a very well-built body.

"Damn! I'm sorry I didn't see you there, Shortiey. Are you ok?" A baritone voice drawled out. I peered upward to look the wall in the eyes. Oh shit! It was the new neighbor boy from this morning.

"Uhh, yeah I guess. It was my fault really" I replied. "I wasn't watching where I was going." I dusted my butt off and ran a hand through my hair, looking down at my purple Chucks.

"Hey don't I know you from somewhere?", he asked. He had a sorta confused look on his face, like he was trying to place where he had seen me last.

"Um... NO. I've never seen you before in life." I answered quickly.

"I got it! I thought I knew those jeans from anywhere! Your my new neighbor, aren't you? Well, I guess I'm your new neighbor?" He said. But he couldn't even finish that phrase. I was already sprinting down the hallway to get away from him. I pulled my hoodie up as I turned the corner onto Williams Hall. I could hear him yelling 'HEY!', down the corridor, but it was too late.

I finally ended up in the girls' bathroom. I looked in to the mirror to see my enemy staring back at me, Myself. I keep my self up at night with my mind wandering aimlessly, but then again the doctors' diagnosis was a disorder formally called insomnia.

'Life isn't doing me any good just staring in a mirror, now is it?', I thought to myself. On that note I walked out of the bathroom and towards my class. I ducked my head as I stepped over the raised threshold to Science. It was early still, with only 2 nerds sitting at lab table closest to the instructor's own. I trudged to the last table in the farther corner of the room. I laid my head down at the edge of the table and drifted into a light slumber.

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