"Where's Simone?"

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"Where's Simone?" Star asked me from backstage. I didn't have a clue I had just gotten there. "I have no idea. Do you think she's with her foster dad?" I asked her worried. "I hope she's not with that son of a bitch. I have been tryin to protect her I should have listened to her instead I blew her off this morning and now for all I know she could end up dead." Star tells me. 

"Star its gonna be okay." I say pulling her into a reassuring hug. Just then Carlotta walks over to us worried. "Which one of ya'll has my gun?" She asked. I had a certain idea who it might have been. "Simone." I tell them. "What about her foster father?" I ask. "He's dead." Carlotta and Star say in unison. "Okay are ya'll serious?" I ask. "Its being handled." Carlotta tells us before she walks off.


"Cotton and Alexandra are checking for her out back." Star tells me. I heard quiet sniffles behind a curtain. I see Simone with a gun in her hand. Please don't let her have killed him. "Text Cotton and tell her we found her." I tell Star and she steps out. "Simone." I call softly. She looks up with red eyes and tears falling down her cheeks. "Its gonna be okay. Otis is never gonna hurt you, you know that right?" I ask her walking toward her. 

"I need you to give me the gun." I tell her cautiously. She hand me the gun and starts to cry in my lap. "I'm scared Nat." She said. "H-h called me his baby, and he grabbed me and-" I cut her off. "Simone Otis will never touch you, you understand? Because people like him, they have no remorse for little girls with big dreams, little girls who are truly beautiful, little girl like you." I hug her. "You have been through so much Simone for the past sixteen years." I tell her. Star walks in. "Can we have a minute Nat?" She said. "Yeah take all the time you need." I say stepping behind the curtain giving them time for a sisterly talk. 


After the Hair show, which God's Blessing won by the way, we went home. Carlotta made us all sit down at the kitchen table, and by us, I mean myself, Star, Simone, Alex, Cotton, and herself.

"So what are we supposed to do act like nothing ever happened?" Alex asked. "That's exactly what you gonna do." Carlotta replied. "I don't know about ya'll but its been a long day and i'm going to bed." Carlotta said. "Yeah me two." Cotton said. "I didn't do. I didn't kill Otis." Simone said in a shaky voice. "What?" "Simone." "That's enough."

"Simone you don't need to lie to us, we the last people you need to lie to." Star said. "I wanted to kill him, but I just couldn't pull the trigger." Simone told us. And to be honest I believed her. "I don't think I believe you." Star said. "I didn't!" Simone said defensively. "Alright well if Simone didn't kill him who did?" Star asked. No one spoke up. It was that moment when we knew secrets we're either kept, or someone really did truly kill that monster.

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