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Okay, so uh, please always point out mistakes I might make because I still haven't gotten my eyes checked yet so my parents don't believe I'm blind af and need glasses baaaaadly lmao




"What're we gonna do if your dad finds out?"

"About what?"

"Us. You. Me. The homosexuality."

Jack glanced up after sticking a piece of sushi in his mouth, looking questionably at his boyfriend that was oddly (depressingly) staring out of a window. "He's not gonna find out. Because he'd kick me outta the house. Disown me. Right on the spot."

"You could always move in here. That's not what I'm worried about, though..."

"Then what is it?"

Mark sighed, scratching the back of his head and looked toward the ground. "What if he decides to keep you away from me? What if he blames me for making his son gay?"

Jack laughed, picking his soda bottle and swishing it around. "Real funny, Mark. You couldn't have possibly made me any more gay than I was."

Mark just shrugged. "Oh, you're genuinely worried, huh?" Jack slid his tray aside, frowning. "Mark, he's not gonna find out. And even if he did, so what? It's not gonna change anything. We'll still be us. Right?"

"So you're gonna hide it from him forever? If we were together for six years? What would be your excuse if we ended up engaged?"

"Six years? No way. I'd have told him by th..." Jack squinted his eyes, "You thought about marriage? We've been dating for less than a year."

"Everyone thinks about it after so long, don't they? We've almost been together for a year. Next week will make nine months. That's pretty long for high schoolers, Jack."

Jack leaned back in the stool, crossing his arms, "I guess so. Still wouldn't think someone like you would even want to commit. Even stay with someone for this long."

"Whatever. You know good and well I'd do the inevitable for you. That I'd much rather be with you than someone else." Mark hissed with obvious offense. "You're being stupid."

"Mhmm. I'm the stupid one." Jack shrugged, leaning forward again to finish eating. "Let's just worry about that thing later though. I'd rather stay your high school sweetheart for now."

"Maybe I'm stupid because you effed me senseless last night. Heeeyo."

"Well, there's the Mark I know and love."

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