6. back to reality

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⠀⠀⠀DELILAH AND GEORGE entered the hospital room once more, and saw that Delilah's parents were still sat next to the bed, their expressions sad and desperate as they looked down at their unconscious daughter. It looked as though they had not moved from their seats since Delilah and George had left.

George looked at Delilah expectantly, waiting for her to reveal what she had decided. He watched her pace up and down the room, glancing back and forth from her parents and the medic table in front of her. He waited for Delilah to speak first, and once she did, several minutes had passed since they arrived.

"I want to live," she finally spoke aloud, "I know I may suffer, but at least I'll have a chance of living, instead of choosing to die."

George felt relief rush through him, as he sighed happily, walking over to Delilah, "Ok Delilah," he replied, "are you ready for this?"

Delilah took a deep breath and closed her eyes briefly, "Yes George. Thank you for everything. I owe you my life. You gave me this chance to live once more and I'm grateful for that."

"It's ok Delilah. It's time for you to go back," he smiled as he rested his hands on her shoulders and closed his eyes.

The room around them became black and it was only the two of them in the darkness - it was so silent, Delilah was scared to make a sound.

"It's time for me to go," George said. His voice echoed through the darkness.

Delilah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "I thought you were helping me," she replied, worried from his statement.

Delilah looked at George, who smiled at her once more, "I have Delilah," he said, as he began to disappear from her sight, "its now down to you to make it back. I know you will. You can do this Delilah. Believe in yourself."

Once he finished his sentence, he was gone. A single tear rolled down Delilah's cheek as she stood alone in the darkness. She looked around, trying to see if she could make out anything, but it was no use. Nothing happened for a while and Delilah was worried that she wasn't going to return after all.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Delilah felt herself falling. She called out for George, but he didn't reply. Delilah was falling down further into the darkness, and to her it lasted forever. Delilah's head started to spin as the ambience around her became lighter. She noticed the blur of the hospital room - her parents still sat there, with the same look on their faces.

The spinning got faster and faster and it became too much for Delilah. She felt a sudden rush of pain strike through her body - the same pain she felt from the crash. Delilah cried out, as her body throbbed from all of the injuries. The pain was too excruciating for Delilah and she couldn't take it anymore. Her eyes began to close, as the blur around her faded away.

She felt adrenaline seep through her veins as her eyes suddenly shot open. She was stood up, on the edge of a street, watching the cars in front of her go by. Delilah looked down, noticing that she was clothed in the same outfit she wore when she had her accident. She looked to her left, and then to her right, the familiarity building up anxiety in her stomach. Delilah knew what was going to happen. She had woken to the time minutes before the crash. Minutes before her life changed forever.

That's when she realised she had been given the chance to live and not with the aftermath of what was about to occur. Instead, Delilah was reliving the buildup before the accident, so she could change the upcoming events. She looked out at the empty road that had no cars in sight. Delilah put one foot into the road and inhaled a sharp breath.

It's taken ages to re-update which I am sorry about - I've been very busy!
This is the penultimate chapter! One more chapter will be published! And maybe there will be a couple of bonus chapters too! Remember to read, comment and vote and I'll update soon.

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