1. how it began

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⠀⠀⠀THAT MORNING WHEN Delilah Adams woke up to start a new day, she didn't know that it was going to be her last. Like most people do when they wake up, Delilah got herself ready for the day ahead. Stepping out of the house, the chilly breeze hit her almost instantly, making her wrap her coat tighter around her. She ventured down the street, taking in the surroundings. To her left was the rows of houses that looked out onto the park, which was bustling with young children playing on the swings. To her right was the road, where cars drove past, in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours.

After a while, she eventually reached the end of the street, and stopped as she waited to cross onto the other side. Impatiently, Delilah tapped her foot on the floor, checking the time on her watch as she did so. Finally it seemed safe to cross, as no cars were to be seen. Stepping one foot out into the road, Delilah began to cross the boulevard.

Out of nowhere, an obsidian vehicle came speeding around the corner, it's tyres screeched on the concrete. A look of horror washed over Delilah's face. Before she could have even reacted, the car collided with her body, sending her flying into the air. The world spun around her, everything she saw was a haze. When she came into contact with the ground, several of her bones smashed from the impact. A shock of pain spread throughout her frail body, she tried to move but she couldn't. Delilah heard the distant sounds of people screaming and shrieking with terror. The footsteps of two people echoed on the ground, as they ran towards her. She heard the vague murmurs of more people who ran to her rescue. She tried to see clearly but all she could see was the indistinct outlines of the crowd that hovered over her.

⠀⠀⠀The journey to the hospital was terrifying. Delilah kept passing out and crying with pain every so often, as the ambulance drove as fast as it could. Her vision was still unclear, but she could make out that she was in an ambulance. The sound of the machines around her beeped frantically, as the voices of paramedics spoke with a lace urgency in their voices. They were trying to save her, but Delilah knew it was no use. Hearing the injuries she suffered made her think that. She could just make out what the medics said; she recalled that they declared she had a broken pelvis, a collapsed lung, a fractured spine, a broken leg, a smashed cheek bone and more which Delilah couldn't remember.

Without warning, Delilah's body went into shock-mode. The machines, which were already beeping rapidly, quicken their pace and increased their pitch. Delilah's head spun, it was aching, so was her body, and she couldn't take it any longer. Her eyes began to slowly close, the ambience around her, gradually fading away.

"Stay with us," was the last thing she heard.

The first chapter is written! Hope this sets the scene for my book! Swipe left for more..

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