4. reminders of before

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W A R N I N G:

I'd like to point out before you read this chapter, there is some distressing topics and disturbing thoughts. If you find this topic upsetting, please skip the chapter and read on, thank you.

⠀⠀⠀AS SOON AS Delilah and George touched hands, they were transported out of the room and to a different location. When the pair adjusted to the new place, Delilah recognised it immediately.

"It's my old school," Delilah spoke with worry, as she moved around in a circle, taking in what she saw, "why have you brought me here? It brings back bad memories that I don't want to be reminded of."

George looked at Delilah and put his left hand on her shoulder, "I know, but if I'm going to help you, we're going to have to look back at past events," he replied softly.

"Ok," she sighed, inhaling a sharp breath.

They began to approach the school, which was a large, carefully sculpted architecture, that must have been over three hundred years old. As they came closer to it, Delilah saw students walking around, some engrossed in conversation, others minding their own business. She recognised most of the people; some were in her classes. Each person she saw, she'd point to them and tell their name. They ventured further into the school grounds, reaching the main entrance. The pair stopped just before they made their way inside, both of them giving one another an unsure look.

George and Delilah came across a hallway with lockers spread out on the left side. Students were dotted about everywhere.

"Come on," George spoke, gently grabbing Delilah's arm and leading her through the crowd of students. When they reached the end of the hallway, where there wasn't a lot of people, George pointed to a girl who had her back to them.

Delilah shot George a quizzical look, stepping closer to the girl to see who she was. She soon realised that the girl in front of her was herself - a little younger than she was now. Her hair was tied up in a pony tail, so long that it cascaded all the way down her back. She wore dark blue skinny jeans, with a checkered blue and grey shirt, matched with a pair of white converse. The look on her face was melancholy, as she slowly took her books out of the locker opposite her.

Delilah watched as the girl closed the locker and walked down the hallway, trying her best to look invisible to the students passing by. Delilah and George followed her as she turned a corner, leading to another hallway.
As the young girl walked passed students, Delilah noticed that they nudged one another and began to whisper and giggle nastily. Due to this, it made her younger self hold her books to her chest even closer.
Then, she suddenly stopped, as a boy dressed in all black stood in front of her, washing over a look of uncomfortableness on her face.

Delilah stopped in her tracks, causing George to bump into her. She watched on, a knot of nervousness tying in her stomach. She knew what was going to happen next. The day that George had brought her back to, stayed in the back of her mind. She knew that she'd never forget it. George began to speak, but the boy in front of Delilah's younger self spoke before he could say anything.

"Where do you think you're going?" he sneered, poking the girl in the shoulder. She stepped back, confused.

"I'm," she began, but his cronies started laughing. Her brows furrowed in confusion and she continued what she was going to say, "I'm heading to the cafeteria."

"I'm heading to the cafeteria," the boy mimicked, making his accomplices laugh louder than before, "and what makes you think I'm going to let you go there?"

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