Chapter 9: Battle in Hogsmeade

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November 28, 1995, The Shrieking Shack


The Joker arrived with a pop at the old decrepit house. He brushed off the dust that landed on him upon his arrival and calmly strode out of the building. He took in a deep breath of cool air as he got ready for a fun fight. From his place, he could see the back of the Death Eater army as they arrived at the center square. He observed that they looked like professional killers, much like him. For that, he could respect them. The Order of the Pheonix soon arrived, and his respect immediately disappeared as he found out that the Death Eaters were actually zombies in Death Eater garb. That meant that a master necromancer was nearby, and the only other place that gave a clear view of the battle was the roof of a run-down building at the edge of the town.

Now here he was in a dilemma. 'Should I hunt down the necromancer or should I just go fight Lestrange? On one hand, I wouldn't have to deal with the zombies. On the other hand, those pathetic Order members might think I was an enemy, or even worse, they'd think I was helping them! Hmmm...a dilemma for sure.' A few more moments of pondering and he made up his mind. His mission came first. This meant that his only target would be Lestrange.

Alright, to an omniscient audience, one might assume that this Joker fellow was quite an unpleasant and evil person. Unpleasant? Yeah sure. Cold? Definitely. Cynical? Yup. Cruel? Most of the time. But evil? Most definitely not! Deep down behind his mask (not just literal, but his figurative mask) he was a good person. Years of suffering by his own family turned him this way. His twin brother was believed to be a hero, so his parents and their friends spent all their time lavishing their attention upon their "precious baby boy". He was nothing. Nothing but the forgotten twin.

When he ran away ten years ago, he was naught but a lost orphan, deciding that he would forsake his name and family. He stumbled upon someone who would later become his beloved mentor, and said mentor brought him to a school where he worked as a teacher. The school was a school for the elites. You needed an invitation to join, and most joined after some time, since they needed to be able to prove that they were worthy of joining this school. Joker was lucky, since his mentor gave him his invitation. After joining the school, he spent most of his time studying obscure points of magic and training with his mentor, eventually becoming the top student in his year. What is he good at, you ask? Well, a better question would be, what isn't he good at? But those secrets are for another day, after all, one never knows who his enemies are.

Now in the present ten years later, he was a feared man in the both the muggle and magical underworld, despite being at the age of fifteen. After all, one cannot be expected to not gain a level of notoriety after dispatching half of the muggle and magical Japanese Yakuza by oneself. In the muggle world, he was known as the best assassin in the business. In the magical world, rumors of the Joker spread through dark bars, where the Joker would always get his target, if you can hire his services.

'The time for fun has begun...' the Joker thought to himself as he ran down the slope towards the back of the zombies. One flick of the wand and a giant red beam soared towards those unknowing undead.


As soon as the spell had left his wand, he used his magic to pump up his legs, giving him the leg strength to jump several stories up in the air. However, he only used about 25 percent of this magic-induced strength to jump atop the shop closest towards him. He absently noticed that the shop had a large sign stating "Weasleys' Wizarding Weezes" before standing at attention like a soldier with his wand held to loosely his side. Struck by a spell? Already? Oh no, that was just his battle pose. It made him seem ferocious without even doing much. And indeed, the onlookers looked up at awe at this new force. The Joker smiled to himself as the Hogwarts students and Order members were dumbstruck at this new arrival.

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