Chapter 2: 10 Years Later, Hogwarts

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10 Years Later, Hogwarts

Albus Dumbledore sat down with his head in his hands. He let out a despondent sigh and reached for one of his precious sour lemon drops. Taking one and putting it in his mouth, he thought about the past few years after the Boy-Who-Lived, Michael Potter arrived at Hogwarts.

In '91, Michael's first year, he stumbled upon Quirrel with his two friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. By the luck of the devil, Quirrel, who was watching Michael atop a tall set of stairs, misplaced his foot on a step as he walked down and broke his neck, killing him immediately. Voldemort's body, which was residing in Quirrel, fled back to wherever it came from with a menacing howl.

In Michael's second year, the Chamber of Secrets opened again, and several students were petrified, including Dean Thomas, Terry Boot, and Cedric Diggory. The perpetrator was apparently Luna Lovegood, who happened to be possessed by the memory of Albus' old apprentice, Tom Marvolo Riddle. Once again, Michael Potter and his two friends happened to be in the Forbidden Forest at the time and came upon the massive basilisk feeding on a gargantuan Acromantula while the possessed Luna watched. The trio ran away as quick as they could and when young Michael ran into a tree, one of the branches atop fell down and skewered the basilisk through the head. The diary, by which the memory of Tom resided in, disappeared in the midst of the running and was found the next day by a first year in the Owlery, being chewed upon by a large Horned Owl.

Third year was the escape of Peter Pettigrew, one of Albus' old pupils, from Azkaban. The man, believed guilty of betraying the Potters to Voldemort, came to Hogwarts. Once again, Michael stumbled upon the haggard Peter Pettigrew, who, in his deranged haste to kill Michael for his long-gone master, ran towards the young Boy-Who-Lived and tripped over a stone. The end result was that Peter Pettigrew was impaled on someone's stolen wand. The body was pissed upon by his ex best friends James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin, and later fed to a bunch of hungry wolves.

In '94, Lucius Malfoy kidnapped Michael during a Hogsmeade weekend and used his blood as one of the ingredients in a dark ritual that restored Tom back to life. Regardless, Michael escaped again by stealing Malfoy's extra portkey when the man was holding his bleeding hand, where he cut off his middle finger. ("Totally useless," he commented about the finger a few moments before he cut it.)

Through all these adventures Michael escaped from Tom or one of his servants by sheer luck. Where have I gone wrong? Albus silently asked himself. Michael was supposed to the savior of the Wizarding World, and yet his magic was only a tiny bit stronger than the average first year. Yes. It's true. In comparison, Michael as a fourth year was only a tiny bit more powerful than a pureblood first year.

Perhaps...No, it couldn't be...Could it?

Perhaps Harry Potter was the real Boy-Who-Lived, not Michael. Perhaps that lightning bolt scar on Harry's forehead was the true symbol of Voldemort. But no. It can't be. Harry Potter disappeared ten years ago and was never seen again. He's dead, isn't he?

Albus Dumbledore, savior of the Light spent the rest of the day thinking about Michael and Harry Potter.

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