ch. V -- Mr. Bad-Dream

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With steady breath Kate slid down to the elevators floor. Ignoring the fact that she had arrived at the top and the door opening, she stayed glued in her spot on the floor.

Two Hours Later

It was raining outside. Why was it raining?

She was on a bed. A bed that she haven't seen before. Where was she?

'Why can't I move?' Kate screamed in her own head. Looking down at herself she saw that she was half naked. She wanted to scream for help but no sound came out of her mouth. She tried to move, to kick her legs out, and to do something just to get out.

Suddenly room went dark and one single light bulb remained above the bed.

This can't be happening?!

"Someone, please! Help!" She yelled, at least she thought that she yelled, girl couldn't hear herself.

Why was she here again?!

This cold place with wet walls, no furniture expect for the bed she was on, dirty concrete floors were grim as ever and only reminded of her scraped knees and bloody palms.

"So, sweetheart, don't you look sexy tonight." Came Mathew's voice from somewhere around her.

'Get away! Get away from me!' Kate screamed in head since she couldn't do it out loud.

"And I am hundred percent sure that you won't be able to walk after this." He spoke again from different place this time.

'No! Don't touch me!' Kate yelled again but this time it came out as a muffled scream. From nowhere there seemed to be appeared a cloth that was now covering her mouth and some ropes that kept her hands tied together as same as her legs.

"Just lay still and it will hurt less..." Mathew cooed as his face drifted out of the darkness to appear at the end of the bed. This made Kate trash violently on the bed in hopes of getting free.

"Can you stop that?!" Mathew barked at her and grabbed her ankles which earned him a squeal of fear from Kate.

"There we go..." Mathew cooed while getting on top of her. Kate shook her head not wanting to accept this fate.

"Now, be a good girl and bend your knees." Mathew leaned down and kissed her forehead. Kate trashed in his grip.

"No! No! Get off of me!" could be heard Kate's muffled screams.

"Oh, keep quiet. You'll love this." Mathew pinned her down with his body and kissed her neck while dragging his hands down Kate's body.

Somewhere in the process of her trashing, the cloth from her mouth slipped down her chin.

"Let go of me you fucking prick!" Kate screamed and shook her head violently trying to get away from him.

"No can do. You are mine, lovely." Mathew smiled at her and captured her lips with his own. With a yank of her head Kate broke free from the vice like kiss. Girl didn't hesitate a second before spitting directly in Mathew's face.

"Oh, you shouldn't have done that." Mathew growled and slapped her across the face.


And there she was sitting on the floor of elevator, back propped against the wall in the corner.

With glass shattering scream that echoed throughout basically empty building Kate jerked awake, her hands reaching for something to catch on, but were met with empty walls.

I don't mind dying for you  ➳| Lucifer MorningstarDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora