Tom Holland|Prank wars pt.3

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Requested by EmmzersStories

Takes place 2 weeks after the previous chapter


Tom was in Atlanta filming Avengers 3. Harrison was his assistant, as usual, and Y/N tagged along because she loved to spend time with her two best friends, and also became Tom's second assistant. It had been a few weeks since Tom had pulled a prank on Y/N in New York, and she had been trying to plot some revenge.

Y/N was in her trailer, planning some ideas like an evil villain, sort of. Tom had just gotten the new iron spider suit for Infinity War, and the mask is more difficult to put on and take off. He asked if they could put holes in the eyes so he could see a bit better, and drink water without taking the mask off.

Since Y/N and Harrison are Tom's assistants, they switch roles every few days. Today, Y/N was on food duty and Harrison would give Tom a drink through a straw, and the two assistants had other things to do too. Tomorrow, it was switch day.

The next day

Y/N woke up a little earlier than usual to get her gear ready for the prank. She persuaded Haz to join in, and he gladly accepted. She walked around her trailer, looking for a backpack to hold everything. Once she found a decent sized bag, she placed everything inside. A water bottle, sunglasses, her wallet, straws, 3 cans of silly string, a water gun, a nerf gun, and a flannel. She headed to set before Tom and Haz showed up, and she put her bag in a corner where no one really looked. She threw her flannel on top of the bag to avoid suspicion, because Tom knew that it's her flannel, and he wouldn't touch it because he respects her personal property. (like the good man he is)

A little later

It was almost lunch time, and Tom was still doing small stunts. He took a break, and asked Y/N to come to him.

"Hey, darling, can you get me some water please?" He asked politely, bringing a smile to Y/N's face. She jogged to where Harrison was standing, a few feet away from her backpack. She grabbed a water bottle and a straw, giving a subtle head nod and wink to Harrison, queuing him that the prank plan has started. Haz nodded back. Y/N went back to Tom, talking about how great he did his stunts. She put a straw through the eye hole of the Spidey mask and Tom started to take a sip of water. Y/N then poured the water right into the mask, getting water in it and all over Tom's face.

Y/N was a little worried about this prank, so she went to Jon Watts to ask what would happen if water got on the Spidey suit. He said that it wasn't a big deal, because there had already been a stunt where the suit is in the water. But peeing in the suit is a different story, and it's surely an expensive risk.

"Y/N! What was that for?! What the hell! My suits wet, come on!" Tom exclaimed, panicking for the sake of the suit.

"Aww Tom, don't worry boo. Jon said water was okay to get on the suit." She said reassuringly.

Tom struggled a little taking off the mask, and during this time, Y/N turned around to look for Harrison, who was getting the water gun and the nerf gun out of her bag. She ran to Haz, and he tossed the water gun over, as well as a can of silly string. She started giggling and ran back to Tom's direction as Harrison followed.

By the time Tom had his mask off, Harrison and Y/N were ready and a few metres in front of him.

"Fire!!" Y/N and Haz yelled at the same time, shooting nerf darts and water. Once Harrison was out of bullets and Y/N was almost out of water in the water gun tank, they pulled out the silly string and started spraying Tom. He started running away, but his two best friends were chasing him.

"Guys!! Why are you doing this to me!? Pfffbbtt" He yelled, almost getting string in his mouth.

Shortly after, Y/N and Haz stopped spraying Tom because they were laughing too hard. Y/N was falling to the floor, laughing so hard it was silent. Harrison had his hands on his stomach because he was laughing too hard, and Tom was trying to get out of the big mess of silly string. He joined in laughing, and everyone around set found it hilarious as well.

At the end of the day, the three best friends were hanging out in Tom and Haz's big, shared trailer. They ordered a pizza, and they watched Netflix. It was pretty quiet in the trailer, except for the sound of the TV and candy wrappers here and there. The three of them were on the couch. Y/N was in the middle, Tom was on the left, and Harrison on the right. Y/N glanced over at Tom, who looked very deep in thought. Maybe he's mad at me. Did I go too far this time?
Nope. He was thinking of how to get revenge.


Two brooos chilling on a sofa, 5 ft apart cuz they're not gay (idk I had to add that cuz that was an amazing vine mkay?)
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