Love Hurts

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Stiles's POV

Mystery Hot Girl -Well it would help me alot since I'm lost in the woods and I'm new here.

Me- What's your name mystery hot girl....wait what I didn't mean to say that but you are. (I start turning tomato red as she just stared at me with her beautiful blue eyes and she started to giggle)

Mystery Hot Girl- Thanks for the compliment and my name is Kai Bell

Me- You are welcome Kai my name is Stiles and this is Scott and sour....Derek. (I motion with my hands to each one as I say their name)

Kai's POV

Mystery Boy- What's your name mystery hot girl....wait what I didn't mean to say that but you are.

(He starts turning tomato red while I stare and giggle at his reaction )

Me-  Thanks for the compliment and my name is Kai Bell

Mystery Boy-  You are welcome Kai my name is Stiles and this is Scott and sour....Derek. (He motions to a black haired brown eyed boy with an uneven chin, who he says is Scott and then to a black haired green eyed man with a little of stubble who is Derek )

I wonder what he was going to say all he said was sour then he quickly said Derek well Oh well I guess I won't find out.As I walked closer I smelt the one thing that I didn't want to smell werewolves and especially an alpha.Wth it's not suppose to be any werewolves here.

Me- You two are werewolves

Stiles' POV

Kai- You two are werewolves

Me- No they aren't werewolves why would you think that werewolves are fake NOT  real meaning it's not possible.

Kai- I can smell them Stiles I know they are werewolves because I am one too.

Me- Wait..... WHAT who bit you was it Peter or Derek?

Kai- Haha No they didn't bite me I was born this way.

Why does the most beautiful girl that I meet is a werewolf why did she have to be a werewolf. Why can't I ever like a normal girl.

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