The Interview

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Today was Wednesday, the day I start my first ever interview and like my first day at the job I'm nervous as hell. I've been practicing day and night so I won't make any mistakes. I drove to the café where I was supposed to do the interview. It was called the Rose and Maria café, nice. I brought my notepad and pen and walked inside. To body guards stopped me while I was going to open the door.

"You cannot come in we have someone very important inside."

"Tch, I'm here for the interview of that very important person for your information."

"Really? Then let me check your work ID."

I pulled out the band around my waist and showed them my ID.

"Come in."


I walked inside and looked around for the man I was interviewing. I saw a guy with messy brown hair in a black suit and kind of turquoise/green like eyes. I looked at the picture of who I was interviewing and walked up to his table.

"Hello Mr.Jeager my names Levi I'll be doing your interview today."

I held my hand out for him to shake it even if I was a germaphobe. He reached out his hand and shook mine. I knew I couldn't take out my napkin I keep with me at all times because that would be rude. Looks like I'll have to wait.

"Nice to meet you Levi, just call me Eren."

"I wouldn't want this to be unprofessional so I'll just call you Mr.Jaeger if that's all right."

"Sure, whatever you like."

I sat down across him and took out my pen and opened my notepad.


A woman came up to our table and asked what we needed.

"I would like a caramel mocha please, what about you Levi?"

"Do you serve black tea?"

"Yes we do."

"I'll take that."

She took our orders and walked away. I started asking my questions and got my pen ready to write.

"So Mr.Jaeger what are your hobbies outside of work?"

"Well I enjoy walking around the park and sometimes sketch the environment around me."

Hmm artistic

"Did you want to be anything else than a businessman when you were a child or growing up?"

"Well I did want to grow up to be a doctor like my father but then I ended up being who I am now."

The waitress brought our drinks and I took a sip from my tea before asking another question.

"Tell me some things about your childhood."

"Well my mother died when I was at the age of ten (this is actually true his mother didn't die when he was nine) my dad travels around the world since he's a doctor like I said, so I never really get to see him." "I also have an over protective adopted sister."

"Wow I'm sorry about your mother."

"It's fine don't worry about apologizing."

I proceeded to ask him questions until I reached one awkward question that I know I did not write down.

Shitty glasses must of done this

"U-um Mr.Jaeger w-which sexually do you prefer in a relationship?"

I felt my cheeks become slightly warm after asking the question.

"Well I guess you could I prefer males rather than females."

I blushed even more and used my cup to cover up my face.

"Are you blushing Levi?"

"W-what n-no don't be ridiculous."

"Hmm you're stuttering too."

He smirked at me while I was still trying to cover my face.

Shit, I don't actually like this brat do I?

I cleared my throat and gathered my papers getting ready to leave.

"Well that's the end of the interview Mr.Jaeger thank you for meeting me today and I hope you have a nice day."

"Wait Levi."


"How about we meet some other day for lunch? I'd like to learn more about you."

Shit fuck flying ducks (That just randomly popped up in my head I'm sorry XD)

"Uhh sure what day?"

"How about this Saturday? At twelve P.M."

"Sure I guess where would you like to meet?"

"Maybe at the diner just a few miles from here."

"Ok I'll be there."

I can't believe I just accepted to go to lunch with this brat, well he is very famous but I still can't believe it. I walked out of the café and remembered those beautiful turquoise/green eyes and blushed again. I started my car and drove to my workplace.

Well looks like I'm going to have lunch with the brat.

I continued my regular working routine with me asking him what sexuality he was attracted to still in my head and I couldn't get it out.

Damn you and those beautiful eyes.

Ahhhh Levi!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this newest chapter of my new fan fiction!

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