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  "Thanks" you said to Kageyama out of breath, "yeah, no problem" he said. "Hey, how did you know we were in there?" You asked him, "....... I followed you......" he said. You sat in your room doing your homework on the verge of tears. I was almost raped. You thought, how could I let Hinata do that to me? I'm taller then him, stronger- you stopped thinking stronger? Am I stronger?

Suddenly one of the keys on your keyboard got stuck, "Oh crap". You picked up your phone and dialed the first person that came to mind.

"What is it (Y/N)?"

"Aye! Sorry to bother you but I'm having some computer troubles"

"If the screen goes dark it doesn't mean that your computer broke it just meant you need to tap the mouse to wake it back up...."

"No no! It's not that again. I think one of my keys got stuck so now it's just typing 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' and it's not stopping"

*sigh* "tap the key a couple of times"

"K............ its not working"

"Seriously, do you have to break everything you touch?"

"Whatever smartass can you just come over and help me! I have a test tomorrow and I need my computer!"

"Why don't you ask your brother for help?"

"My brother still isn't clear on how to operate a waffle iron I doubt he'll be able to work this"

"You're so needy"

"Thank you"

"I'll be over in a minute, don't touch it 'cause God knows you'll break something else"

You put your phone down and watched the space bar repeatedly type 'a'. It was actually quite satisfying

*knock knock*

You scrambled to the door, "hey Tsukki" you said "Tsukkishima. Honestly (Y/N) this is the fourth time in two weeks" he grumbled "what can I say, I'm not good with computers" you shrugged "I'll say.." Tsukkishima brushed past you to upstairs where he knew your computer would be. He first tried tapping the key repeatedly but then he switched to taking the small tile off and then fiddling with the weird mechanical stuff under the 'a' key tile. "There. Next time don't furiously tap the key okay?" Tsukkishima said turning to you, "alright, thanks a million!" You said, "yeah whatever.." he  grumped "oh and (Y/N)....... I know" he said. You  looked at him weirdly, "know what?" You asked him intently, "Hinata. I know he's harassing you" Tsukkishima said softening his expression. You looked down at your feet, "how?" You asked him "Kageyama". You clicked your tongue, "Kageyama, stupid unreliable kid" you whispered to yourself. "I can help you if you want" he said "how?" You asked looking up at him surprised "well I can't do much on my own. Hinata is what you would call...... 'unpredictable', he can be pretty smart" he told you, "so how do you think I can stop him?"
"There's only really two ways. Either record him doing something bad to you or someone else and report him or......." Tsukkishima paused and looked to the side, "or what?" You asked "or kill him yourself".


What's kicking little pigeons? It meh. So yeah, this was short. I may not be able to update so frequently because I'm having pretty bad writers block ((it took me at least a month to think up this chapter😅)) also school started for me a week ago and it's already up my ass sooo....
Anyway, don't forget to like, comment, and share this book PLEASE!!! It really would mean a lot to me.

Stay Salty My Friends.


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