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"I'm home!" You called "oh! It's nice to see you 20 MINUTES LATER THEN YOU SAID" Rei yelled "calm down I'm here" you said "I was debating wether or not to call the police! Where were you?!" He asked "I ran into one of the volleyball team's opponents" you somewhat lied "besides I'm here now so don't waste your anger" you said walking away. You could tell Rei wanted to say something, but he didn't.

"(Y/N)? Hey (Y/N)?" Sugawara called "ah what?!" You said more aggressively then you wanted to sound, "what's your problem?" He asked "nothing I'm fine" you said clutching the volleyball in your hand tightly. Everyone in the gym had noticed your weird behavior, even Hinata, but he didn't exactly care as much as the others since he knew what was wrong. "(Y/N), what's going on with you?" Kageyama asked walking up to you, "nothing I'm fine" you said a little irritated "I'm not stupid (L/N), I can tell if something is wro-" "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY" you yelled and then ran out of the gym. Hinata watched you scurry out emotionless. Poor baby. She must be having a hard time. Once she accepts my love she'll feel better, Hinata smiled evilly, little did he know, that a certain raven haired boy watched him suspiciously.

You walked home staring at the ground. This whole thing was tearing you apart. This was surprising though, you were always so strong and able to deal with nerve wrecking situations, but not this. "Hey (Y/N), how was school?" Rei asked, "same as always" you said not even looking up at him, "what's wrong?" He asked "nothing I'm fine. I have homework to do" you said walking away. As you were doing your homework your phone started vibrating, oh dear god what now?


"Hi darling"

"What do you want?"

"Just checking up on you, you seemed very weird today, you didn't even say hello"

"Why would I? You're crazy"

*sigh* "I don't know how many times I must tell you this, I'm not crazy, just crazy in love with you"

"Yeah right you psycho. Why are you calling me?"

"You've been avoiding me a lot lately, tell me (Y/N), why are you avoiding me?"

"Because you're insane and I don't want you to hurt me or anyone else"

"I would never hurt you! And I don't have to hurt anyone else as long as you accept my love"

"I'll never do that!"

"Okay, but if anyone else gets hurt it'll be your fault"

"Stay away from my friends!!"

"Goodnight my love, sweet dreams!" ******

He then hung up. Crap. At school the next day you were wandering the hallway trying to get your mind off things. "(Y/N)? What are you doing?" Kageyama walked up to you, "oh nothing just dying inside" you said "what happened?" He asked as if he already knew something had happened to you, you sighed, "Hinata called me last-" before you could finish your sentence, someone had covered your mouth with their hand and snaked their arm around your waist. "Hi Kageyama! Sorry about (Y/N) here, she and I were just leaving!" Hinata said smiling. He pulled you down the hall away from Kageyama. Hinata pushed you into the janitor's closet and shut the door behind him. "What the hell? Let me out!" You yelled "lets get something straight here, you tell anyone about this and I will kill whoever you tell got it!" He shouted, you said nothing, "in sorry love, I hate to yell at you, I just need to keep you safe" he said walking closer to you. You stepped back until you hit a wall, Hinata grabbed your wrists and forcefully shoved his tongue down your throat. You struggled from under him trying to escape but he was strong, stronger then you thought. He the slipped one of his hands under your shirt and let his fingers trail up and down your stomach and waist. You hated this feeling. Before Hinata could go any further the door slammed open revealing a pissed off Kageyama. The shock of the door slamming made Hinata jerk away from you which Kageyama took as an opportunity to grab you and run out the door. Hinata didn't run after you, he stood outside the door fuming, "be careful Kageyama, you will regret that!!" He called after you two, he then turned on his heel and walked down the other end of the hall laughing maniacally to himself.


Hello my yandere readers. I know this chapter was short, I'm having bad writers block and I basically forced my brain to shit out this last chapter. Like it says in the description, there is some sensuality and it will go a little further. If you don't like that kinda crap STOP READING. This book is starting to such eggs so SOMEONE PLS GIVE ME SOME IDEAS I AM DYING. Anyway, PLEASE like, share, and comment it would mean a lot. Thanks!

Stay salty my friends.


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