Dragged Along for the Ride {Bleach}

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Okay so this is just a note to say a little about this story before I start.

I've been wanting to do a Bleach fanfic for a while, but I will admit I'm not completely up to date with the series.  However, I am catching up and this will take a while to write anyway as it does follow the main story.

Yeah, this isn't an AU, it will go along with most episodes. I'm going with the episodes as it's easier to break up, but unless a filler arc is really wanted, I'm not including them. Might as well disclaim here that I don't own anything Bleach, only the OC really.

I haven't stopped with my other stories, but I feel like I need a bit of new inspriation and I think this will help. Since, of course, it's not like my usual style. Sure, I'll add some romance hints, or a bit more if really wanted, but it's mostly action based.

Anyway, I know where this story is going but some parts still need finalising. I might even change the title, but I'm not too bothered by it if I'm honest.

Well, that's it and I hope you look forward to it.

Be seeing ya~


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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