It still looked as good as when I had first tried it on. It made me feel like I could be one of those kinky porn girls, except my ass was too flat and my tits were too small. I made a mental note to buy a new push-up bra ASAP. Jay had never liked those on me either.

Go figure, the girl he had left me for was a queen of short skirts and big cleavage.

We took an Uber downtown, Sarah sneaking us vodka shots in an innocent-looking water bottle.

"Where are we even going?" I said. "You know my classes start tomorrow right? I really can't get too turned up." She looked at me incredulously. "Really, Sarah, I can't."

"Okay, okay," she said, pouting a little. "We're going to Bailey's!"

"Oh god, Bailey's? Sarah that's such a frat boy bar-"

"Yeah, exactly. Dozens of horny frat boys who are all gonna want a piece of hot Liz ass. Trust me. A little flirting, maybe making out with a stranger you'll never see again? It's good for your self-esteem."

I was pretty sure there had been studies published saying the exact opposite, but whatever. We were already there and I was three shots deep thanks to Sarah's vodka. The Uber dropped us off right in front, where there was luckily no line. The bar was packed nonetheless, mostly college kids getting in their last night out before classes started up again. Sarah and I wormed our way up to the bar where she ordered for us, and then put a bright blue drink in a plastic cup into my hand.

"Adios!" she said cheerily, and downed half of hers before dragging me out amongst the crowd.

The Chainsmokers was blasting over the sound system, a song that had been good the first time I heard it until I couldn't turn on the radio without it playing on every other station. I followed Sarah around as she saw people she knew and went up to say hi, sipping my drinking and smiling and nodding appropriately. I never knew what to do with myself in bars. Clubs were easier, since I could just dance and pretend I was tripping out if I wanted someone to leave me alone. Luckily for me, Sarah took most of the attention so I was spared having to get too involved talking with strangers. The drink was also taking a much more rapid affect than I had expected. Suddenly everything was feeling great.

Just great.

Of course Sarah managed to latch on to some thickly-muscled hunk and disappeared onto the dance floor with him. "I'll be right back," she slurred. "Right back, okay Lizzy, just stay right there."

I leaned against the bar where she had left me, setting down my empty cup. My head was feeling light, and everything felt a little numb. Definitely drunk. Crap. A guy offered to buy me a drink, but he honestly looked just a little too much like Jay. I lied and told him I was waiting for my boyfriend to get back, motioning in the general direction of the bathroom.

And that's when I saw him.

He was sitting at one of the few tall round tables in the place, chin resting on his fist. He looked like someone had picked him up out of a library and plopped him into a bar. He had tousled dark blonde hair, with a slim build and cheekbones sharp enough to cut a girl. Damn. Thin silver glasses sat on his nose, and he was . . . actually reading a book?

In a bar?

The liquor was giving me courage, and with a deep breath I sidled over.

"Hi," I said, trying to seem casual and confident. He glanced up at me in surprise, as if he had forgotten that he was actually in a public place.

"Hello," he said, with the slightest hint of a smile around his perfect lips. Oh god. The liquor was making me horny too.

"Are you really reading Marquis de Sade?" I said, nodding at the book in his hands, Philosophy in the Bedroom. He laughed, looking at the book as if a little embarrassed.

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