Saturday 21st December

Start from the beginning


Penelope, on the other hand, felt like she had no-one.

Lucinda, George, Steven and Penelope were currently engaged in the biggest row ever to hit the apartment block, and drama was a daily occurrence there. The 20th floor had never been host to such a hot and heated argument, but then again, it had never been host to such a power family.

"I cannot believe the two of you." Lucinda was at the end of her tether. Penelope could almost see the snap just waiting to happen, for all hell to truly break loose. "The fact you would risk everything by carrying on screwing each other after George and I married."

Penelope's eyebrows shot up - her mother looked just about angry enough to become the Hulk and tear through the dining room table between them. Despite the fact none of them were calm enough to sit down, the table still served as a great physical barrier between the opposing parents and children. She quickly bounced back. "How did we risk everything?" She retorted. "Dad left his entire life's work for me to carry on, you're only the stand-in. And there's no clause in his will saying 'if Penelope should choose to fall in love with her future stepbrother, then I'll leave it all to the Queen of England'."

"I was going to run for office!" George boomed, sending flecks of spit in her direction. Penelope merely raised her eyebrows as she wiped it off her cheek - she didn't not appreciate her own mother yelling at her, let alone the overgrown ape of a man chosen to replace her father. "But with this scandal on our hands, my political career is completely obliterated due to your inability to keep your genitals where they belong!"

Ew, gross. She did not want to hear that word ever leave that man's mouth again. But it was Steven that rose to the insult.

"We're not just a pair of horny teenagers!" He shouted, his face turning a startlingly similar shade of red to his father's. "We love each other, not like you even know what that is! You got married knowing your children were secretly dating, not because you loved each other, but because it was convenient for your wealth and status. This is all your fault, not ours! You've never considered our feelings once."

Penelope was beginning to frighten at the sight of the vein throbbing on George's forehead, which looked like it might burst free at any moment. She took a cautious step back as he yelled back at his son, "You don't understand how damaging your relationship is! Give it up. Right now."

"I can't! I'm in love with her!"

"Stop this whole thing with Penelope and deny everything or else I'm disowning you!" George roared.

"Well then disown me!" Steven responded to the ultimatum, reaching out and grabbing Penelope's hands. Forced to face him, she gulped as his face softened. "I love you. I know we're only seventeen, but I honestly can't imagine my life without you. All this money, all this luxury... we don't need it as long as we have each other. Run away with me, Pen, and let our love be enough. Leave with me right now."

The room fell silent, eyes trained on Penelope for some kind of response. Her heart racing, she yanked her hands out of Steven's and sat down, taking steadying breaths.

She loved Steven. Even when she tried to hate him, she still loved him. She was young, but a lot of the Sixth Street parents had married at a similar age, wanting to combine forces as soon as possible. It wasn't improbable to think Steven was the love of her life and that they'd never find anyone else they loved just as much. Some people met the people they loved at age fifty, and others when they were sixteen living just as few floors away in an apartment block. They had first gotten together over a year ago, and despite some small fights, had always loved each other since. She knew that if she ran away of Steven, she would have a strong assurance of love for the rest of her life. Not many people could claim likewise.

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