Chapter 17

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*A week later

Katie's POV: It feels different, surfing by myself not having Wes by my side cheering about how rad the waves are. I looked on the shore and watched as Lissa arrived, well at least I have someone. She paddled out on her board and gave me a small smile. "It's just not the same surfing without the Emblem3 boys." I said. "Yeah that's true, by the way I'm not the best surfer so don't judge okay?" Lissa jokingly warned. I giggled, "yeah alright, lets surf."  

We both had a decent surf, the waves are rad today as Wes would say. "Should we head in now?" I asked Lissa and we both came out of a wave. "Yeah I'm getting pretty tired." She replied. We both paddled out to the shore and grabbed all our stuff. "Do you want to chill, go get some breakfast?" Lissa asked. "Yeah sure, I'll follow your car." I replied. We both got in our separate cars and drove off to the nearest cafe. We parked next to each other and both walked in. The smell of coffee beans lingered in the air as soon as the door flew open. We both ordered a coffee and bite to eat before we sat down and waited.  "That night they left, oh my lord." Lissa said shaking her head. "Yeah we all got a little too wasted." I replied. "It's pretty cool how you can still nurse other people when you are extremely hungover, wish I could do that." Lissa said with a slight smile. "I guess I can handle hangovers a little bit better than others." I replied before a guy walked over with our coffees. I lifted up my coffee and Lissa pointed to the bottom of the cup. I gave her a confused look before I noticed a note on the bottom. I took it off and read it, it said 'You're cute text me' and had his number. I rolled my eyes and screwed up the paper. "So what were we talking about?" I asked Lissa as I just wanted to get over that moment. We both started talking as we ate and drank our coffees. I totally over the drama that was between me and her, I have no worries.

As soon as we were getting ready to leave I got a phone call. "I'm bored." DRS sung as I answered the phone. "Cool, come hang out at mine we can bored together." I suggested. "I'll be there in 10." He replied. I ended the call and got in my car and drive home just in time because DRS arrived as soon as I parked into the garage. "A not a minute late somebody is keen to see me." I said giggling as I gave him a hug. We both walked inside to see Meg and Regina on the couch. "Regina, Meg, DRS is here." They turned around and said hello. "I'm just going to get changed and have a quick shower, so just chill." I said to DRS before I walked off leaving him with the girls, that poor man.

Regina's POV: "So if it isn't the famous DRS, come sit down." I said patting at a seat in between Meg and I. He awkwardly walked over and sat in between us. Meg and I both looked at him, I think he felt intimidated. "You like Katie right?" Meg asked. "Um yup." He replied. "But do you like her?" I said empathizing the 'like.' He went quiet "Um I-ah." He stuttered before scratching the back of his neck. "Oh Drew, she's a taken lady." I said as I patted his shoulder. He let out a sigh and nodded. Katie walked passed and into the kitchen, DRS sprung up and walked over to her. He follows her like a lost puppy. "I hope the girls weren't to bad to you." She said as she looked at us and back at DRS. He looked at us, Meg and I just smirked at him he quickly looked away. "Nah they were fine." He replied. She giggled and walked back to her room, he followed. "Leave your door open." Meg yelled. "Okay Mum." Katie yelled back sarcastically. Meg and I looked at each other and smirked. "A toast to a good job." I said grabbing my cup of juice. She grabbed her and we clinked glasses. 

Katie's POV: "So what shall we do today Mr Scott?" I asked as I applied some makeup. "Can we go out somewhere?" He asked quickly. I turned to him and gave him a weird look. "Did the girls torture you?" I asked. "Yup." He replied. I giggled, "yeah we can go out somewhere then." Once I was ready to I said goodbye to the girls and followed DRS out the door. "So where are we going?" I asked. One thing about DRS is that he is really spontaneous if he wants to do something then he will do it no questions asked. "We will be doing something I always wanted to do." He replied ended that conversation right there. I sat back in the comfortable seat and watched as we headed out of town. I just really wanted to bug him until he would say what we are doing but I decide against it. After awhile he turned onto a old dirt road. "Are you kidnapping me?" I asked. "Nope." He replied giggling. We pulled up a long driveway and I saw a huge hot air balloon (Yeah anyone who knows DRS knows he has a fear of heights but for the sake of this book pretend he doesn't.). "OMG." I cheered as I felt the smile grow on my face. We hopped out of the car and walked up to the man with the balloon. "DRS and Katie?" He asked. "Yup." I replied. We walked into the air balloon basket and the man walked in and shut the door. He started talking some random bullshit but I was too excited to listen. I squealed as I noticed up come off of the ground. DRS looked over the side. "We are flying." He cheered. "OMG it keeps going higher and higher." I said as I look at the ground below us. The view is beautiful from up here. I looked at DRS and he looked back at me, i giggled and gave him a hug. "Thanks for this." I said as I looked up at him. "You're welcome." He replied looking down at me. "We are now heading over the town." The man said. We both looked over the town, it looked absolutely beautiful. 

Later that day when we were done and back heading home, I felt a little guilty. This whole day, I have been having fun with DRS, I completely forgot about, Colton.


I'm sorry for the short chapters lately. To be honest I'm kind of losing interest in this book. So if you have any ideas please feel free to message me and help me out! 


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