Chapter 6

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Katie's POV: Today I'm spending a whole entire day with my cousin and Anthony. I find it cute that they're together and honestly I don't give a shit if I'm a third wheel. I got dressed into my casual outfit (I got a Polyvore! So there's a link to her outfit in comments :D.) Did my hair and makeup just before the knock on my door telling me that they have arrived. I gave them both a big hug as I followed them out to Anthony's car. "Hey Tony, I have an idea." I said as soon as we were both in the car. "Oh no, what's that?" He asked. I giggled, "You remember when you took me to get my nose pierced right?" I asked. "Yeah." He replied. "Lets go back because I want some tattoos." I cheered. "It's about time you got your first tattoo so I say lets go." Meg cheered. "Alright then." Anthony replied. I giggled and cheered, I know exactly what tattoo I want. "Let's just hope that dude is working." Anthony said giggling. I giggled too and Meg just looked at us like weirdos. "The tattooist likes her babe." Anthony said so she clicked on. "Oh right." Meg replied. 

So we arrived at the tattoo parlour and lucky for me he was working. "Well hello." He said smirking. "Remember me?" I said smirking back at him. "How can I not, what can I do for you today babe?" He asked. "I want to get a couple tattoos." I replied. "Alright, well follow me." He said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder to walk me to the room. "My tatt will take awhile so I'll meet up in awhile?" I asked Tony and Meg. "Yeah text when done." Tony replied. "Will do." I told him before walking off. "So what tattoos would you like today?" The tattooist asked. I told him the tattoos (Link to tattoos in comments!) "Hot, well lets get started." He spoke. 

It took three hours to finish the tattoos because on was so big. But I'm so happy with the outcome. "So what's the cost?" I asked smirking once he was done rubbing in moisturizer. "Well usually it's $300 but for the pleasure of your company lets say $50." He spoke. I know it's bad to use my looks for discounts but not my fault he's into me. I smiled and gave him $50 exactly. "Come back soon." He said smirking. I giggled and left. "Show me." Meg and Anthony both cheered as I met up with them. I showed them my small tattoo on my finger then my bigger one on my hip. "It looks good." Tony said. "Thanks." I replied smiling. "Looks sexy." Meg said smirking. I rolled my eyes and giggled as I followed them to the car. "I'm hungry lets go get some late lunch." I said as I held my stomach listening to it rumbled. 

We arrived at McDonald, classy right? "So get it for free?" Tony asked smirking after he finished his mouthful. "No actually but only paid $50." I replied. "So all I have to do is be a flirt and he's discount my tattoos?" Meg asked. "No you're not allowed." Tony replied quickly. I laughed, they are adorable together. "You heard him cuz, you're not allowed." I said mocking Tony. We all laughed. "Are you two going to the clubs tonight?" I asked once the laughter was settled. "Yeah probably." Meg replied. "Sweet as." I cheered. 

So later on I got dropped off home. "Regina." I sung as I skipped through the house. "She went out to buy dinner for us all." Joey said as I noticed him sitting on the couch. "Joey what do you think?" I asked holding up my shirt so he could see my tattoo. "Woah." He said jaw dropping. "Good then." I replied giggling and skipping off to my room. I decided to get ready for the clubs early, I'm not hungry so they can just eat dinner without me. I had a shower, made sure I washed my hair as-well that took half an hour, blow dried my hair 15 minutes, chose a dress and heels (dress and heels link in comments) took half an hour and then my makeup took 15 minutes and hair took another half an hour therefore I just took two hours getting ready. "Fuckers better hurry up if you're coming clubbing." I cheered as I walked into the lounge. "And where is this tattoo you are hiding?" Regina asked completely ignoring what I just said, "Well I' not going to strip for you so you can't see my hip one but here the other one." I said holding out my finger. "Cute." She replied smiling. I giggled. "So clubbing?" I asked. "Nah we are staying in." Joey replied. "You two are grannies." I replied before walking out and grabbing the taxi I called earlier. 

I arrived at the club and Anthony and Meg were already drinking, love them. "Shots for three please." Tony said as soon as he noticed me walked in. He passed me a shot and I took it straight away. "Lets get drunk!" I cheered. So we are having the time of our life dancing, laughing it's family time. Tony is dating my cousin therefore he's family no matter what you think. "Party ruiner." Meg groaned. "Why?" I asked giggling. She turned me around just in time to see Lissa and Colton. "Lets not let them ruin our night lets get another drink." I said smiling. 

As soon as the night becomes blurry I start to think maybe I should walk over and talked to Colton. "Hey." I turned around to see Wes. "Wes." I cheered as I gave him a big hug. I turned back around to see Lissa looking and whispering to Colton, she better not be talking about me. "Is Drew here?" I asked smirking. "Yeah, why?" Wes asked confused by my mention of Drew. "Oh nothing." I replied. I had an idea. I looked back and Lissa and she's still talking to Colton and looking at me. I have an idea. I told Wes I was going to the bathroom but really I was walking around to loose the constant stare of Lissa. Once she couldn't see me I walked around her and approached from the back slowly. "I'm telling you she's just a flirt, she's a bitch Colton do what's best and dump her." I heard her say. Oh fuck her. "Wanna say that again bitch." I said as soon as I was right beside her in her face. "Flirt, bitch dump her." She said again. "Katie stop." Colton said trying to get in between us. "You're defending her?" I asked disgusting. He looked down. "You two are disgusting filthy asshole." I replied. I turned around and saw Drew approaching, I smirked and walked right up to him. "Hey Katie." He said. I didn't say anything, all I did was attached my lips to his.


Dun dun dun duuuuun oh no oh no oh no WHAT HAVE I WRITTEN? Hehehehe ;) 

Love on Lock (Midnight Red, Colton Rudloff Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora