I blurted, "You're going? Like now?"

She smiled politely. "You'll be fine. You're safe here, don't worry."

She pulled open the heavy door, stepped out and slammed it shut.

Ten minutes later, a man wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt sauntered into the room with steady strides. Even as he wore the most casual clothes, I could still sense the amount of authority he had here. He had the same striking grey eyes as Mirabel had and his dark hair was cropped short.

He stretched out his hand to me, a polite smile on his face. "I'm Frank F. Trellis, the second in command to the Superintendent. I apologise for my outfit—"he glanced down at his clothes and then at mine "—as I didn't expect to be here today. My boss had to leave for an impromptu meeting."

"Is it because Belladonna is on death row?" I couldn't help ask, remembering the men in suits.

His brows furrowed, but he shook his head. "No that's not the reason. It has to do with Tucker Ramon, actually."

"Oh, God." I mumbled.

Frank asked. "You know him?"

Shaking my head, I heaved a sigh. "Unfortunately." Who didn't know Tucker Ramon? He had terrorised Television screens with the nature of his crimes. He was infamously known as Baby Blue because he would murder infant boys, fourteen in total.

"You've got a lot of crazy people here." I leaned back on my seat. "I had assumed he was dead."

Frank only smiled at my first comment, as thought saying I know right? "He's on death row with Belladonna. He was taken from an asylum this morning because the defence failed. He's not mad. He's a murderer."

"You got that right." I nodded, feeling sick at the thought.

Frank clasped his hands together. "Anyway. That's none of our business. Like I said, I'm Frank. Underdressed but excited to meet you." His smile was gone but his eyes were still alight.

I leaned over to shake his hand. His casual demeanour was actually calming my nerves. "That's alright. I'm Aria Black. A bit overdressed and scared shitless." I gestured at his sweats. "Your casual fit is actually comforting. Makes me feel like I'm in a coffee shop, not Hell on Earth."

He didn't laugh but his smile became amused. "So Aria, you do know why you're here, right?"

"I read the job description, yes." I replied.

He leaned back slightly. "It wasn't very detailed so I'm guessing Rita didn't give you any more information regarding the specific details of the job?"

Rita, that was Mirabels real name? I shook my head, irritation clouding my senses. If I was told to kindly leave the premises because Mirabel had failed to do her job, I would be unbelievably upset. Mirabel might just catch these hands.

"If you mean asking me if I want to have a steamy affair with Jack the Ripper, then yes."

Frank shook his head, seemingly unsurprised. "I think she jus wanted to intimidate you. She tells me shes done that in the past so people would leave. Her relationship with the Prisoner Project is strenuous."

"It wasn't very intimidating. Just rude." I recounted her comments. She had mentioned some gruesome murderers but aside from that, her comments struck me as something someone spiteful would say.

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