The only ones that saw the fear were Batman and Robin, Superman got worried and got closer to the boy. Batman saw what he was doing but he didn't have enough time to stop him before he got to close to Phantom. Superman reached out to Phantom and the teen quickly got up and his chair crashed to the ground.

"Stay away from me!" Phantom started hyperventilating and it was getting harder to tell the difference between the present and the past. He knew he was having an episode but he was having a hard time focusing on the things around him. He was remembering the time the agents had thrown acid in his eyes, he hadn't screamed but it hurt.

The young justice teens had run into the room but Batman forced them to stay back. Phantom was rubbing his eyes as his panic attack continued and reality disappeared around him. Phantom was trying to hang onto the present by yelling in his mind that this was just a memory.

Phantom pulled his hood over his face and he could feel his core going out of control, he'd start freezing things if he didn't calm down. Phantom did the only thing he could think of, he dug his nails into his arm and hoped that the pain would ground him. His eyes still hurt and he could feel the other wounds they were inflicting upon him, it helped but it wasn't enough.

He faintly remembered the wound on his arm and he dug his fingers into it which re-opened the wound. It hurt and he wanted to scream in pain but he was slowly becoming aware of reality again. When the images started to fade and he remembered where he was he was able to calm himself down.

He let go of the wound on his arm and he became aware of the other people in the room. He didn't care if someone was there, as long as they didn't get to close he didn't give damn about that. His back hit a wall and his legs started to give out, he was still trembling and his adrenaline was crashing.

He slid down the wall and he hugged himself as he continued to tremble because of the episode he'd just went through. He started getting tired due to the crash as well as the power that had been drained because of his core. He could feel blood running down his arm, there was a lot more blood then he thought there would be.

He remembered getting that wound, he got it just before he escaped, they had tried to saw off his arm. He was a little grateful for the wound as well as the fact that they had used a saw coated with ectoranium. The wound healed slower because of it or else it would just be a scar by now, at least it helped with his mental breakdown.

While all of this happened the teens, as well as the adults, stared in horror at how Phantom was acting. Not all of them knew what was going on but some of them knew what was happening and it was awful. Phantom had seemed to strong, like nothing could affect him, but this proved them wrong.

Whatever happened to him must have been terrible for it to do this to him, they felt so useless. Phantom looked like he was in pain, he was scared, he was panicking so much that he couldn't seem to breath. The room started getting colder as Phantom pulled his hood down and he held his arms in an iron grip.

Robin noticed Phantom shift his hold to the wound on his right arm and he dug his fingers into it. Phantom looked like he was in even more pain but after a while he seemed to calm down a bit. He took a few steps back and hit the wall before sliding down and sitting on the floor.

They wanted to run over to him but they knew it would probably be a bad idea. He was still trembling and he seemed to be doing everything he could to calm down. When he finally calmed down Black Canary and Superman quietly lead the kids out of the room, they didn't want to make to much noise in case it set Phantom off again.

Several seconds after they left the room Robin and Batman heard a dripping noise. Phantom's arm was bleeding heavily and it was dripping onto the floor and started to form a pool of the green substance. Neither of them knew what to do, Phantom just pulled himself together and they didn't know what he'd do if they got any closer.

Batman looked at Robin, "Try talking to him."

Robin looked at Phantom and he nodded, Batman walked out of the room and told Robin to shout if something happened. Robin closed the door and he looked at Phantom, "Phantom?"

The ghost lifted his head slightly, "What do you want?"

Robin took a deep breath, "Are you okay?"

"Just leave me alone."

Robin looked at Phantom sadly, "I won't ask what just set you off and I won't ask about what you saw. I just want to know if your okay, you hurt your arm pretty badly."

Phantom sighed, "I did that on purpose, just forget about it."

Robin looked at Phantom's arm, "Just let me help you."

Phantom shook his head, "No, I can take care of this myself, the best thing you can do is stay away from me." Phantom slowly stood up on slightly shaky legs and Robin reluctantly nodded before walking out of the room. Phantom forced himself to walk out of the room despite how tired and hurt he was and walked to the medical wing.

He sat on the bed and took a look at his arm, if he wrapped it up it would be able to heal on it's own soon. Phantom easily found some bandages and he unzipped his coat and managed to free his right arm from the long sleeve. His white glove was nearly as long as his forearm and there was some of his green blood on it.

What very few people saw were the specks of red blood that was always in it, those specks proved he was a halfa. Phantom pushed the thoughts from his mind, as far as he was concerned Danny Fenton really was dead. Phantom cleaned the wound and wrapped it up so his blood wouldn't get everywhere, it could be a hassle to clean up.

Once he was done he saw all of the scars on his arm, he knew he had scars everywhere on his body. He never got a chance to look at them in the past, he had a lot more then he thought he would. He knew he had a scar on his left hand but that was the only one he ever really looked at.

Phantom sighed and put his coat back on, he didn't want to look at them anymore and he didn't want someone walking in and seeing them. Phantom zipped his coat back up and he put everything away before he laid down on his back. He was tired and he wanted to sleep, it wasn't long before his eyes closed and the darkness claimed him.

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