Chapter 13 Changing personality

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Its been 4 weeks since Clary is gone god knows when and Jace is really worried about her.He thinks its his fault he pushed her away when she only wanted to talk to him. But he want himself that day when Clary came to his room , his mind was saying push her away tell her you don't wanna see her again,and he done exactly that he doesn't know whats wrong with him since then he tries to avoid that voice in his head.

Jace's POV

Alec and Izzy just entered my room. I bet they come here just to say that there are still no news of Clary. I told them let me guss still no news of Clary, i told you both come in my room when you have news of Clary, do not come here to check upon me because i'm not a little baby i can take care of my self .So please get out both of you leave me alone i said get out! As soon as they were out i lie down on my head and close my eyes for just a moment.I my mind i was thinking of Clary and how i miss her so bad.Suddnely i get of my bed ,i felt pain in my whole body and as soon as i can think i pass out. 

End of Jace's POV

Alec wats wrong Izzy looked worried for her brother when Alec said something's wrong with Jace. He quickly went up stairs when he saw Jace on the flor he picked him up and put him on the bed. Alec was so worried so he stayed by Jace's side all night.

The next day

Jace woke up remembering that he collapsed yesterday and feel to the flor now he was at the bed and sitting in the chair was Alec.  Alec was sleeping when Jace felt pain again, but this time it was worst it was his mind telling him to kill Alec even if he didn't wanted to but whatever was inside him was so strong. Jace tried to struggle somehow this thoughts away but he couldn't this was stronger then him.He took the knife and just when he was trying to stub Alec he was awake on time to nook out knife in Jace's hands and punch him hard that he was unconscious again.

Alec knows now that Clary was right he is changed. He was wondering how is that this red haired little girl noticed something is different about Jace when he didn't, now whats important to Alec is is fixing Jace because he's not just his parabatai he is his best friend and brother too.Wherever you are Clary i hope you get here as soon as possible before things get out of control.

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