Chapter 6 Getting to know each other

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For Clary, all that matters know is finding that flower and with the little help of Patrick she so sure they will finish this mision soon, so she can save Jace before is to late.

They are walking for two days already without stopping to rest, and Patrick thought that they should at least rest for a little while ,but Clary told him no, she wants to continue she doesn't need rest, all she needs is to complete this mission for Seelie Queen and as soon she does Jace will be her Jace as she once known.

Then Patrick had one idea on his mind what if he took Clary somewhere to relax for a bit so they can talk and meet each other better.

So Clary i know i heard a lot of stories about you, but i want to get to know you better so what do you say we go somewhere, there is a club near by we could dance drink or just talk.

I am not in the mood for drinking or dancing said Clary, but then she didn't know anything about Patrick, she wanted to ask him millions of questions,but she didn't, maybe now she could so she said to Patrick why not lets go there but we would only talk and rest for awhile then we are going is that clear.

Patrick smiled at her and said cristal clear boss.

Clary smiled back too, but then she stared at his beautiful smile, smile like she never seen on anyone and she was wondering what kinda secrets he keeps behind that smile.

So here we are said Patrick after you my lady, Clary couldn't help not to laugh at this words.

They are inside the club there was sofa next to the window,so they thought they could sit here and talk.

They looked at each other as soon as they sit on the sofa, they didn't speak they were looking around the place trying to avoid to look at each other.

At the same time Patrick and Clary said it loud we should talk, then they started laughing and looking at each other.

Go and ask me said Patrick, you must have a lot of questions in your mind now.

Well i do said Clary. Then she started asking him a lots of questions like: Were are you from? ,Do you have family or siblings? , How old are you?,Why did seelie queen send you to help me?

Then Patrick said wow thats a lot of questions you must really want to get to know me.

Well don't blame me if i do, you were sent here to help me on my quest and i don't know anything about you, you could be a killer or worst my brother Jonathan disguise as well you.

{Jonathan was looking nerves now, he knows that Clary thinks her brother is dead, but he is right here sitting in disguise as Patrick,so he how to stay calm and answer her questions carefully so that he doesn't blow of his disguise.}

Patrick starts to answer all Clary's questions slowly. I lived in England when i was 6 years old, then i moved to live with my parents in New york when i was 15. I had a mother but she is dead, and my father does not like me that much. I do have a sister but she doesn't want to see me or talk to me. I'm now 20 years old. Seelie Queen sent me to help you because i'm the best warrior she has ever meet. I think i answer all of your questions now.

Clary looks at Patrick and said i'm so sorry for your mother i lost mine too and i know how that feels. Since you don't have anyone maybe we could be like friends or brother and sister.

Even tho Jonathan knows that Clary is his sister and that she hates him, he still doesn't want to lose her again so its good that she thinks that he is Patrick.

Patrick lookd Clary with a bit sadness in his eyes and he answered to Clary, i would like that.

So we are kinda like family said Clary to Patrick.

In the club they started to play Clary's favorite song even if Clary said she wont dance she couldnt just sit here and talk all night so she ask Patrick if he would like to dance to this song Nobody but you.

Yes i would like that.

They danced to just one song and after that, they start gathering they stuff and they were ready to go back to the long journey.

Clary was glad she meet Patrick he is now like a brother to her and together they will save Jace.

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