Thud. Thud. Thud.

I heard a noise and looked around. But, no one was here except me.

"Maybe I imagined it, whatever", I muttered. Talking to my own self was becoming a habit lately.


There it was again. I was sure I heard something and it sounded pretty much like something was banging the door, the back door precisely. I made my mind up and grew guts, deciding to check. I took a kitchen knife with me, hiding it behind my back. Safe was always better than sorry. I knocked on the door from inside and it replied me by banging again.

I opened the door, just a crack and checked but no one was there.

"Oh God", I groaned, irritated with myself. "What's happening to me. I'm going psycho. Now I'm hearing things, ugh!"

But then, I got a furry, soft and warm feeling on my foot.

"Meow", it said, rubbing itself against my foot and looked up at me with its big green eyes. It was a cat, a black cat.

"Aww", I said looking at it and bent down to pet it. The cat was so soft and started cuddling with my hand and meowed. I scratched its back, smiling. "You little thing, you scared me to death and made me think I'm going psycho."

It looked up at me with big intelligent eyes, meowing again.

"I'll name you Kitty", I said and patted its back softly. The name was so much obvious for a cat, but it suited. Kitty was a adorable little fur ball with its black, silky fur, but it was wet from the rain outside. I shut the door. "You want milk, Kitty?", I asked, knowing it couldn't understand me. I smiled again and brought a bowl of milk and gave it to Kitty and it started drinking it, slowly. My tummy growled again.

"I think I need something too, don't I?"

Just then, it felt it. Again. My toes started tingling and the tingles travelled up my body. These days I was so used to this, that it didn't bother me anymore, but I frozen on my spot.

"What is it, Xander? What do you want? Can't you fucking leave me alone to let me in peace?", I shouted at him in my head. I was irritated with him invading my mind every now and then. And this increased since the forest incident, after he found me, though he never came to me.

He chuckled darkly. "Sure, sure, my love. Just wanted to check out how you are. I don't want my pretty little wife to die now, do I?" He chuckled again.

I hated his voice. But it was familiar now. "Go away."

"Aww, my Eva. You are still not over your love for that Dumbo. Are you? Hm. But you will be. You'll come to me, Eva. I know you will, my darling", said Xander, rather cheerfully, faking sweetness.

"Just go", I sneered at him.

"Uh huh. We'll meet soon, love", he said and his voice faded away.

"God", I moaned. I was tired of this. I was tired of hearing Xander over and over again, when I wanted it to be Damon instead. I felt weak and sat down on the floor, my hunger was gone. "We'll meet soon, love." His words rang in my head. I decided to forget about it, letting it go from my mind and gave my attention back to Kitty, but Kitty was gone by the time I looked at it. Vanished, like it never came.


It was nearly midnight. The heavy downpour ceased to a soft drizzle again.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap...

The rain drops were hitting the window glass in a rhythmic pattern.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

I was wide awake and was sitting by the window, looking outside. It was becoming a habit of mine after Damon left. I always sat by the window and looked through it till late night with just one hope, seeing him. The raindrops were sticking together and sliding down the glass as they got heavier.

"I wish you were here with me right now", I whispered and closed my eyes, touching my forehead against the cold glass. I tried imagining the glass as Damon's cool skin, but this, it was too cold and chilly. The room was dark as all the lights were turned off. The only light entering the room was the one coming from the window.

I sighed, thinking about Damon and the time we spent together. The kisses we shared and the words we said, and the way he said me "I love you" thinking I was asleep.

I opened my eyes and touched the window pane. "Where are you, Damon? Where are you when I need you the most? Where are you when I wish you here with me right now? Loving me. Holding me. I miss you, Damon. I- I love.. you."

"Are you talking about me, sweetheart?", I heard Damon's voice in the dark. A voice that made angels ashamed of their songs, a voice so sweet and yet so seductive. Velvety. A voice that I missed so much these few days. I turned to look at the direction the voice came from.

"Be careful what you wish for, Eva."


Helloo! So here's the latest update ❤️
Sorry for being late, my exams are sucking the life out of me 😁

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