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3rd person's pov.

When Tsuna was signing paperworks about 12:00 in the midnight. He really can't stop signing it since it was really thanks to his powerful and destructive guardians.

few hours has pass but still his paperworks were none stop.

"When it will end?" Tsuna ask hisself in frustration.

Time check, 5:56 am. Still he was signing his paperworks. But then he heard a knock from the door.

"Pls, Not another stack of them. Pls not Hayato!" Tsuna thought. He sigh and said come in. He was surprise to see that it was his brother Ieyoshi. He jump and hug his Iey-nii.

"Iey-nii. I miss you." Tsuna said while he hug Ieyoshi so tight.

"I miss you too Tsuna? I came here early to sneak you out." Ieyoshi said.

"Sneak me out?" Tsuna ask.

"Yeah, I heard from one of your butler that you were working almost everyday and often skipping meals due to your paperworks. Luckily I this morning I will sneak you out so we can have some fun. Don't worry I'll treat you to a dessert cafe that sell some of your favorite strawberry cakes." Ieyoshi said.

Hearing that, Tsuna smile brighter. "Yehey, Iey-nii will treat me." Tsuna said happily like a kid.

"Mou~ Tsuna, your a Decimo but you still act like a kid. No wonder your so cute." Ieysohi said while he pat Tsuna's head.

"Mou~ Iey-nii. I'm not cute!" Tsuna said while pouting.

"Stop pouting Tsuna, I think I'll be send to the hospital due to the blood lost of nose bleed." Ieyoshi said.

"I'm not pouting. I'm glaring." Tsuna said.

"Seriously? Your glare is more like a pout hahahaha..." Ieyoshi said.

"Mou~ Iey-nii." Tsuna said.

He and Ieyoshi then start laughing together. Tsuna miss his time with his brother. Due to he was busy of the hell paperworks its been a while since he see his brother. And also Ieyoshi is the new CEDEF of Vongola Famiglia. He has paperworks too but less cause Tsuna was the boss and most of the destruction was cause by his own guardians.

Then suddently they heard footsteps coming closer to the door. Ieyoshi grab Tsuna immediately and went to the window. The door slam as Hayato kick the door open.

"Hey, lost puppy I'll borrow my brother for the rest of the day K~" Ieyoshi said as he and Tsuna jump on the window.

Hayato's eyes widen. "Wait! Juudaime!" Hayato said and was about to chase but the motor when fast already.

Hayato just Tsk. "That bastard! What is he going to do with Juudaime!? "Hayaro Thought with annoyance.
"And did that Bastard call me a lost puppy? I swear I will going to blow his head offs." Hayato thought again as he walk towards the dinning room

"Yo, Haya-chan? Does Tsuna will going to join us?" Takeshi said.

"No, Baseball freak. He was being kidnap." Hayato said.

"WHAT!?" All of them except a certain someone said.

"Tsuna-nii is being kidnap? By who?" Lambo ask.

"By his own brother. He said that he will borrow Juudaime for the rest of the day." Hayato said.

Ryohei then Smack hayato on the head. "Next time be clear to the EXTREME, you almost shock us." Ryohie said.

"Why you turf head? Did you just hit me?" Hayato said. Next thing you know the dinning table was a fighting arena.

Tsuna was happily eating the cake with his brothef. Ieyoshi talks about how his work us a CEDEF, Tsuna just nodded and talk some stuff in the works.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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