Chapter 19

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Yamamoto Tsuyoshi's Pov

I was walking in the park and I was lost in mind when I start to remember all the things that me and the woman that I love have done. All those memories, from the moment I met her, from the scene that we became friends, lovers, and finally she say yes to me. All of those happy memories of me and him are still running in my mind. I can't still move on.

I have a son who is now still can't move on with his mother death, so his staying at his grandmother's house for a while. The mother of my beloved wife.

But as I was walking in the park, I saw a certain brunet that was sitting in the bench, looks like he is 6 years old. He looks lonely and sad but he was smiling, a sad smile. His skin is full of wounds, cuts, and bruises all over.

So I was shock and approach him.

"Boy are you ok?" I ask him calmly. He was shock and then look at me with a smile. "Hmp, Ojii-san. I'm ok." He said.
How can he be ok? His hurt, how can he be smiling, even though he was almost cover with blood?

"Where are your parents little boy?" I ask, then he look down with a sad smile as he swing his legs. "They don't love me Ojii-san." He said.

I was shock on hearing that, what kind of parents are they? saying that to a child?... Wait don't tell me his own parents did this thing to him?

"Are they the once who hurt you?" I ask, but he then shadow his eyes with his hair and his smile suddently disappeared. Now its an evidence that his parents did this to him.

The next thing I know, he collapse and felt unconscious so I carry a cute boy like him to my house. I leave alone for a while seens my own son is staying at his grandmother for two months.

The little boy was unconscious due to the weak body he has and all the bruises, and cuts he have receive, his skin really looks pale so thus his face.

After one day, when the boy wake up I ask him if his ok worriedly, he nodded and say thanks to me. He smile again, This cute little angel is heart melting. How come his parents hate him this much?

He then live with me starting from that day, he help me clean the house help
me cook and help me with my restaurant. He brings many people with his warm smile, although he can't speak or talk too much his angelic and cute face always makes people smile.

One day, I was sitting alone in the restaurant of mine and looking at the window staring at the stars and moon, I miss my love. Now she is already one with the stars, hope I could see her again.

But then someone tap my shoulder, as I look at the cute Tsuna who is looking at me worriedly.

[Are you ok Ojii-san?] He hand me a piece of paper.

"Yes, I'm fine" I reply to him as I carry him and place him on my lap.

"Neh... Tsuna, do you miss your family?" I ask.
[I do Ojii-san] he write on the piece of paper as he smiled.
"Why?" I ask him while looking at the stars and moon through the window and I was patting his hair.
[Dahte... Even my family doesn't remember me or love me I love them more than ever. I'm willing to protect them no matter what even they won't do the same, even they will hurt me Its ok. I could endure all the pain. Because I could see my family is happy with it, and I'm happy as long as they were happy]

I was shock at what did I read, he wrote this? he really meant all of this?. I was surprise that this boy still love his family no matter what happens. Even though his family won't do the same to him, this boy is strong and has a strength. He is not strong in physical but he is strong in emotional, he even said 'he will endure the pain' that his family gave him.This boy is strong, strong enough just like my beloved wife.

She was tough because every challenges, every problems in her life, no matter how hard it is she keep on smiling. A smile that never failed to make my heart happy, just like Tsuna.

No matter what the pain he receive he always hide that with a smile, not a fake smile but a true smile.

I decided to teach Tsuna a little swordsman ship skills to defend him self seens he always been bullied in the school, and I was shock that he can even fight me like a professional swordsman. He has different skills in swordsman ship and he is good on holding and swinging the sword. I was surprise that he can even use two sword at one and attack.

Basically we only use wooden sword thats why my body was just hurt or just aching after one week of teaching him. He never leave my side, instead he show me a secret.

He said that I'll close my eyes and feel the warmness of the flames, I did what he said and start feeling warm, my heart feels better, I felt like I'm in peace like everything is ok. As I open my eyes I can sense that my body don't hurt anymore, its like I'm feeling young again. I look at his orange-sun set eyes and it was full of color, it was full of joy perfect to match his eyes.

I ask him if what he did but he only answer'Sunflames' which is I don't get. After two months Tsuna decided that he was going home to his family, and I decided to make my own son grew just like Tsuna, a boy who smile, a boy who is kind to every person in the world, a boy calm everybody around him.

I was just preparing stuff  to open my store but suddently the door open. " Sorry, but were still-" My thoughts was cut as I was seeing Tsuna who is holding a note pad saying [Good Morning Ojii-san] while smiling.

"Good Morning too Tsuna" I said and return the smile. "Pls sit down." I said, he then sit in his favorite spot. He always came here to eat breakfast, but not too often.

"The usual Tsuna?" I ask him. He nodded and still smiling and then he start to hum. His humming makes my morning so bright, I feel like I'm in peace again.

As I was done preparing the usual for Tsuna, I gave it to him. He looks like he was amazed by the food that I gave him.

"Thanks for the food Ojii-san. Itadakimas" He said with a happy tone, Ahh... How I miss his angelic voice.

"Hmm~ Oishi, Its delicious as always Ojii-san" He said again while smiling.

"Glad you like it Tsuna" I said and return the smile.

He then said that he always love my sushi, then we started to talk to each other. But well I do most of the talking seens he can't talk that much. I talk to him about my beloved wife and my beloved son. I talk to him how useless I was when I can't even make my own so happy. I know my son just wearing a mask, a mask where he just hide his pain with a smile. I already talk to my son about that but he also gave me force smile, a fake smile, a mask smile. And it hurts to see him like that, knowing that your son is wearing a fake mask. Tsuna gave me an advice he said I'm not useless, I'm  a good father because I do everything, every single thing to make my son happy, happy as he can be.

I smile at Tsuna and he smile at back. After knowing Tsuna is living alright, he then stand up and leave but he so paid what he have eaten. I already told him that 'that' food was free but he insist and pay me. He is such a good child. I wish I was him, I can have his angelic and genuine smile, a smile that can make people's heart melt, it can make you feel nice and warm. I want to make my son happy, happy as he can be.

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Hope you like it🙂😄

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