Scraps 6

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[] Song-Beating Heart by Ellie Goulding []

We walked outside, and I kept my gun loaded. I stormed down the street, my boots thumping with every step. ‘Tris, wait,’ Ryder called after me. But I wouldn’t have it. I started to run, my muscles screaming with every pace. I ran until I couldn’t hear him anymore, until my lungs were frozen with the morning air. I leaned against a wall, and slid to the ground. I can’t remember the last time I cried. Surely, it must have been only a few days ago. But the tears came now, spilling from my eyes. 

I can’t, I thought to myself. I’ve seen this all before. People with guns and no mercy, mowing down innocent humans. But this was a whole nuther level. They were taking people, stealing someone here and there, and brainwashing them into flailing themselves into battle and blowing themselves up. And for what? What would be so infuriating that they’d have to do that to people? 

Jeanine? The Factions? The Bureau?

I wasn’t sure what  it was. But I was going to find out. 

I stood, and for the first time, I felt pain shoot through my limbs. It must’ve been from the explosion, I can’t remember, but it hits me like shards of glass, spreading through my body. ‘Tris!’ Ryder is running towards me, panting and holding his long gun awkwardly. I crumple, folding my arms across my chest. ‘Tris,’ he says again, and this time it’s right next to me. ‘What? Did you get shot?’ I shook my head ‘Why do you care anyway?’ I grumbled.

‘Because Hayes would kill me if something happened to you…I’ve been thinking about it.’ I sat down against the wall, hugging my knees to my chest as Ryder went on. ‘He doesn’t know where you’ve gone. Infact, even Reece probably doesn’t know.’ I frowned. ‘They wouldn’t care.’ I said, monotone. 

Ryder stood taller, his muscles tensing. ‘What? You think Hayes wouldn’t care? It would kill him, Tris. Kill him.’ I felt heavy with guilt. Of course he would care. He would be looking everywhere for me. 

‘You’re right.’ I said, my voice was becoming quieter. ‘But we can’t stop now. We need to go find out what’s happening.’ I could see the short figures of Maya, Cain & Emy closening. Ryder sighed. ‘Tris, listen to me. There’s other people going out there and risking their lives to break the wall.’ The wall. ‘They don’t need you.’ I could feel anger rising in my throat, threatening to crusade out into my words. ‘Fine.’ I snapped. ‘If we can’t go, then at least I want to see what’s happening.’ 

Ryder’s brow creased, his otherwise grey eyes darkening. ‘Fine.’ He said at last. The others reached us, puffing and wiping their hands on their clothes. ‘What’s up here?’ Maya raised an eyebrow. Ryder looked from me to them, back and forth as though he was still making up his mind. ‘Change of plan,’ he said, a note of reluctance entering his speech. ‘We’re not attacking. We’re going to look in.’ 


‘What do you mean, gone!?’ I yelled. 

Reece seemed so calm, like he couldn’t possibly care less. ‘Well, Mr.Hayes, gone could mean a lot of things.’ The only thing keeping me from pounding his face in was one thing. The information he has about Tris’s whereabouts. He leaned against the doorframe with his elbow, something of a smirk on his face. ‘She could’ve abandoned, in which their would be punishment. She could’ve gone on a, well, separate mission. She also could be dead, in which case she is no-longer my problem.’ 

I swung my fist, and it collided with his nose, and there was a sickening crunch as bone broke. My knuckles stung, and Reece fell to the ground, moaning and holding his face.

‘I think we best be off now.’ Grayson grabbed my sleeve, pulling me back down the corridor, through hallways and back out of the building. ‘What the hell was that for?’ it felt weird, like a schoolchild being told off by his teacher.

I looked him straight in his eyes, but they were so persistent, so I let my gaze travel to my boots. ‘I don’t know.’ Grayson drew a long breath. ‘We’re never going to make it anywhere, you know.’ I was happy to see he seemed more playful than angry. ‘I never thought I’d hear you swear.’ Grayson laughed a little. ‘Feels good. I don’t know how all the other Erudite’s can live without it.’ He gave me a shove. I could see the Dauntless shining through the blue clothing, and somehow, it suited him. 

‘What now?’ Grayson opened the hatch, hauling himself out and then helping me. ‘I don’t know.’ the realisation hit me like a bullet to the heart. I don’t know. My plan had been to bail Tris from the city’s heart. But she’s already gone. Where would she have gone?.

Then a million memories fleeted to my head. When she volunteered for Al. When she went to the Erudite compound in the war when no-one else would. How she would’ve rather given her life than see her friends die in front of her. She was Abnegation.

‘She’s gone to the Deathrow.’ 


Woooo that was a 2 perspective thingy majiger….welll…..HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! I hope you all enjoyed/will enjoy your day, and get lost of chocolate just cuz (o~o) Anyway….see you fabulous people in the next chapter/scrap, and keep reading folks!

Adios Amigos


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