33: Know It All

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From the moment I met you I knew you were someone I was going to love forever. But now, I know, that the person I loved then, is not the same person I know now. She doesn't laugh at my jokes, and she no longer leaps buildings in a single bound. She's no longer my partner. I don't know who she is. I don't know who you are, I really don't. So I'm done. I'm gone." He finished with an emotional sigh and turned away from her as he saw her glossy eyes begin to release her held in tears.

He had never talked to her that way. Never. He had always bit his tongue if a retort popped up during one of their arguments, but now, he lets all of his pent up anger out. It was a lot he had held in for so long and he knew that he wouldn't be able to keep it that way forever. He figured it's better to have happened now than later, later being if they had ever become a couple. It didn't lessen the pain though. The pain he saw in her eyes as he tore at her insecurities and broke her down.

He watched Kate and examined her posture. Her shoulders as she wrapped her arms around her middle closing in, and retreating far back into her shell, her face going blank of emotions, except for the tears still falling from her empty looking eyes.

The light that normally surrounded her, the light she basked in without even knowing, making her look like an angel from heaven, was now a seeming dark cloud. Her gaze was at the floor, unmoving, unphased by anything else anymore.

For Kate, if this was anyone else, she would've given them a piece of some of her fury, but this wasn't someone else, this was Castle. She couldn't defend herself because she was so caught off guard. She valued his words more than he could ever know. And everything he said was right. He was a force of nature against her in that moment, and she couldn't come up with anything to justify her reasons for doing what she did, and she still can't.

After a minute or so of absolute silence, Castle looked over at her, diverting his gaze from where they were on the control panel. He saw that she was in exactly the same position she was during he final moments of their argument. She seemed humiliated, like she lost all of dignity.

He looked away from her as guilt rose within his stomach. Maybe he shouldn't have went off on her. Maybe he shouldn't have done it as bad. But he couldn't change what had happened. That was all in the past. A past in which he deeply regretted. Castle quickly pulled out his phone and checked for a signal to call someone. In the heat of the moment he had totally forgotten that he had his phone. As he clicked the home button and the screen lit up, he saw that, unfortunately, he had no signal. He put the phone back in his pocket and sighed. Did Beckett have her phone? Should he ask? He gathered up the courage and decided to ask.

"Uh, Beckett? Do you have your phone with you?" He asked quietly trying not to startle her, and he was relieved when he didn't. But then again, she didn't move to acknowledge him either. Did she even hear him or was she just ignoring him? Rick took a cautious step towards her and gently touched her shoulder. She didn't move, she didn't even look up at him, the only movement he got from her was the slight disturbance flow of hair caused by his touch.

"Kate?" He questioned.

"What." She said, her voice barely even a whisper. It came out hoarse and strained and out of breath. He could tell without seeing that her lips were dry and her eyes still moist.

He wanted to do nothing more than wrap her up in his arms and tell her how sorry he was and how everything was going to be alright, but he couldn't. He wouldn't. They needed to get out of here. At least that was the first step.

"Does your phone have a signal?" He asked cautiously.

"Desk." She managed.

"Oh." He said quietly, realizing that the only thing they could do was wait in silence. It wasn't like they were going to strike up a light and funny banter after his long rant about her. He sunk back into the far corner of the elevator once again.

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