5: Boys Lie

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Kate gets asked out on a date but with a maybe 'dangerous' stranger and Rick tells them to call it off, will they?


Boys lie, and somewhere
A good girl cries, cries, cries
I hate to tell you but
Boys lie, ain't no need in bein' surprised
I really hate to tell ya

Cheryl - Boys Lie


"You wanna go to a movie?" He asked with a sly grin.

"Why not." She naively smiled.

Katherine, only a sophomore, had just been asked out by senior Joshua Davidson. It was a two year difference, and to make things more difficult Josh was redoing his senior year for the second time so he was 18 and a half. Kate had only turned 16 last week and while the few people she told about it, had said it's not a big time gap, it's illegal. Sure she had eyed him sometimes, while she was walking the halls, but then again almost everyone did. A bad boy with good looks, you'd be stupid not to fall for him at least for a second. She hadn't known what could've possibly compelled him to ask her out. What made her so special? But long story short after consulting both her male and female friends she and almost everyone else came to the conclusion of yes. Except one. Richard Rodgers had said no.

"He's not good for you Kate, he's not good for anyone." He tried, wanting her to see how bad this date idea was.

"How would you know, Rick? Everyone else thinks so." She said with strong agitation.

"Sometimes you shouldn't go with the majority."

"And sometimes you should."

Over the past few weeks Rick had been acting strange. It was almost as if he was being extra nice and extra sweet. He would compliment her more than once, bring her donuts or a smoothie every other day. Wink at her, and purposely make her blush. But why? She had seen him act this way when they first met, but after she told him she was with Demming he calmed down, and became less, emotional, per say. Even after she broke up with Demming, he hadn't changed, he didn't go back to his 'old' self, he was there for her and was a supportive shoulder for her to cry on. And even after all of that, needless to say, the two were now on semi-unspeaking terms. Was he jealous?

But today was Friday and today was her date with Josh. She wore a simple dress that ended a little under mid thigh. It had a pretty pattern and she felt good in it. She didn't want to overdress because it was only a movie, but she wanted to look more than presentable. Like she tried. After she got dolled up she hurried down and kissed her parents goodbye and waited outside for Josh to come and pick her up.

When he did Kate hurried over. He honked twice and didn't even stop in front of her house. He had one of those cars/trucks that locksmiths or people transporting a goods has. A van. Where there's two doors that open up in the back. Only Josh's had fur blankets and cushions and lights spread out. Kate brushed it off and they drove to the movie together. But she did make a note in her mind that Josh looked as though he dressed with his eyes closed.


Rick decided as well that he himself would go to a movie. He didn't know what movie and he didn't quite care, all he wanted to do was forget about this whole week. Wasn't Kate picking up the signals he was dropping? He liked her and he thought she liked him back. They've been through so much together, fun times, and sad, she must feel some form of affection towards him if she even consulted him in the first place. But then again maybe not. He wasn't sour towards her date with Josh only because he wanted to go out with her, but because over all he somewhat knew that Josh really was a bad person. He didn't want Josh to use her to get what he wants, and as arm candy and sorts of that. At least that's what he does with girls from the stories he told and the girls he talked to. He had tracked down some of Josh's exes, so pretty much every other girl in the school, and talked to them about what he was like. They all said the same thing, to not go out with him for anything. Kate deserved someone who would treat her special but not too special. Because Kate deserved the world. Rick maybe shouldn't have gotten so moody towards Kate because now she was mad at him which he never liked. He missed her smile, and her laugh. He missed everything about her. She was the light in his dark world.

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