13: Partners In Crime

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Josh is jealous of Kate and castle friendship


You'll never take us alive
We swore that death will do us part
They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never take us alive
We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners
Partners in crime
Partners in crime

Set It Off (feat. Ash Costello)  - Partners In Crime


"Hey, where'd the boys go?" Castle asked heading back into the almost vacant bullpen.

"Oh, they left while you were getting your third espresso." She smirked watching as he sat down in his chair with a playful hurt expression on his face.

"Well fine. But at least I won't be fast asleep drooling on your desk when we reach midnight." He declared proud of what he was going to accomplish.

"Castle, by the time it's midnight you'll be long gone." She remarked.

"What why?"

"Because I'm going to make you go home."

"What that's not fair, if you stay I stay, that's the deal. The only deal." He challenged, awaiting for her snarky remark, which we would counter with a flirtatious come back and she would giggle, his heart would fill with joy, and everything would be ok again. Only she didn't give a snarky remark. She gave in.

"You know what Castle, I'm not in the mood to argue, just stay." She sighed and furrowed her brows, trying to focus on her paperwork, but something of more importance was obviously weighing her down.

"What's wrong?" Castle asked setting down his cup and putting all of his attention to her, searching for her eyes. And when he found them, he saw that they were filed with sorrow, even though she tried to hide it. 

"Nothing." She mumbled quickly averting her gaze from his.


"It's nothing to do with you, Castle, ok? I don't want to talk about it tonight. I just want to focus on this paperwork and get the case done."

"Can't that wait till tomorrow?" Castle pushed hoping she'd say yes.

"Why do you care?" She huffed, throwing her pen down onto her desk and folding her hands together almost glaring at him. Castle gulped.

"Do you want to go see a movie?" He asked with a small voice, "we could see whatever you want and it would hopefully take your mind off whatever it is that's bothering you. Just as friends. Obviously. So?" He questioned, almost scared for her reaction. So it set his insides a flutter when he heard her breathless laugh, and saw a soft smile creep onto her lips, "what?" Castle asked.

"You know just what to say don't you?" She sighed.

"Well I am a writer." He cocked an eyebrow and her laughter erupted again, but she quickly composed herself. 

"I'd love to Castle," She smiled, and that smile only grew when she saw how happy he got, "but it's 9:40 where are we going to catch a movie?" She questioned.

"I know people." He stood up from his chair and slid on his jacket, before reaching for the back of her chair and sliding it back so she could stand. She did and reached to the back for her coat, but she didn't find it. It wasn't until she turned back around and saw that Castle had it in his hands did she calm down and let him put in on her. She smiled to herself when her back was turned to him, but she quickly shook the smile off. Maybe she shouldn't go, she is with Josh after all, and with everything that's been going on between them this would only make it worse.

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