7: That's So Us

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Castle and Beckett are married, and have had their three gorgeous, beautiful children. While life in their household is usually a laughter and fun filled zone, what happens when arguments go out of control?


What I like about you baby
Is how you annoy me daily
But you still fucking amaze me
That's so us! That's so us!

Allie X - That's So Us


While Castle and Beckett are usually nothing but happy with each other, usually indulging in each other's smart quips, and kinky ways, they've gone down a dark path. With screaming matches and silent ignorance, this week has proven to really test their vows. It's tested how long they can put up with each other over little issues or big problems. Their three children Lily, Jake, and Reece, who are still very young know that something is awry between the pair. While they don't know the full extent of it, they do know that staying out of the way is probably the best decision. Even though they want to get involved. They want to do anything they can to make sure that their mommy and daddy are happy and living a love filled life.

Lily, the oldest of her two younger twin brothers, makes it her duty to protect them, she'll always protect them. She is strong and independent—much like her mother—and also charming and can win over any situation with her puppy dog eyes—a quality she gets from her father. Jake and Reece—while not that much younger—are definitely more emotional and scared at the late night fights between their beloved mother and father. All they hear is yelling and shouting, which they, and everyone else on the planet, associate with problems and grudges and bad times. Especially in their tiny little minds, they intertwine the yelling with a loss of love. They don't understand it, they don't know that everything will be ok, but then again neither does Lily, or even Rick and Kate. Lily, when hearing the fighting, will carefully creep into her brothers' room and spend the night with them, sleeping in the middle of the bed and letting them fall asleep with her softly rubbing their backs, normally heading back into her own room before dawn. And it wasn't always like this.

It used to be fun every night and every day, everyone constantly with smiles on their faces. Never a dull day in the household, never a frown in sight, only love that shone brighter than any star in the sky—the stars all of them would take turns wishing on at night while staring outside of their loft window. They would watch movies, and Castle was even teaching Lily how to play laser tag, while Beckett would spend time with Jake and Reece building with blocks or legos. They would even create a fort out of blankets and couch cushions and all five of them would spend the night sharing kisses on cheeks and cuddling to stay warm: they would always pretend they were in an igloo.

But those times were gone, and all that their three children wanted, the only thing they wanted, was to have those times back. The ecstatic ones. The extraordinary ones. The perfect ones.

All of the fights Castle and Beckett have, have been menial and over little things. But, a worse case would be a build up of all of them, that contribution only making the situation ten times worse. In fact Castle has stopped coming to the precinct and has stayed at home taking the kids to and from school while trying to keep up with his writing. It's hard to write, not only because of little time, but because he has no inspiration. His muse has gotten farther and farther out of reach. He doesn't want to write anyways. Castle no longer has the motivation he used to when he first met the love of his life. He was as eager as he ever could be, ready to embark on a new journey and create a book that would top all of his in one. And his first on definitely topped the charts. He wants to end it all in one; end Nikki heat, and end his mystery novelist career. He just can't deal with so many things at once. Beckett claims the cases are too much, but since she is still the captain she has a duty to make sure things stay in order. It's her prime job to keep her precinct and order and watch her people and the city of New York. She can't leave, she can't do any of the things she wants to, yet when it comes down to work or her family, she unfortunately always choses work. She doesn't want to, and she knows that it's not right, but there is always that little piece of her nagging her back to her desk, saying to get justice as quickly as possible to all of the families who have lost loved ones. That will always hold her back, it will always be eating her up inside. Because why should she get to go home to her family, with everyone alive and healthy, while others come home to a depressing home with no joy? Which always leads the duo of Castle and Beckett into a heated argument.

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