Chapter 40

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I somehow lose the Cirectese. That's probably because they rely mostly on their sense of hearing-why should they rely on anything else, when they are gentle by nature?-and the room is so loud. It couldn't feel my vibrations, hear my footsteps or my panicky breathing, in this crowded room.

Someone grabs my arm, asking me something in human language, and I snarl at him, "Get off!"

Obviously he can't understand what I'm saying, but my tone is enough for him to let go. I don't know how Simon can understand them. He must've taught himself the language. One of them, anyhow. Or maybe several human languages?

I hesitate for a moment, feeling disoriented. I look for the Cirectese, who is over by the back left corner. Nowhere near me. I almost sigh with relief, but I've stood still long enough. Quickly, I look for the stairwell leading up to the walkways and, more importantly, the control room. More humans are asking me questions that I don't understand. I ignore them all. Finally, I spot the stairwell. I continue running, pushing my way through the humans. I think I actually cut some of them with the scrap metal. I don't bother checking.

I burst into the control room, and Simon looks up in surprise. "What are you doing here?" he asks with a bemused expression on his face.

"Next time, lock the cell," I say. "And move your junkyard away from the jail."

Simon shrugs. "I didn't set up Marix. And thank you for the heads-up. I wouldn't want you escaping again."

"Again?" I repeat. "I'm getting the hell out of here."

Kira watches the whole exchange with interest. She meets my eye and winks. It's enough to throw me off guard, and Simon leaps at me, knocking us both to the ground. I hit my head on the edge of the portal. My little training did not include knives (or even improvised ones) but I manage to slice right down Simon's face. I miss his left eye by only a few centimeters, adding to the damage I did in the cell. He growls in pain, and I aim again, this time slicing his cheek right to the teeth. Blood and spit splatter my face. 

To my surprise, Simon doesn't fight back. Instead, he climbs off of me and looks at Kira. "Turn on the portal." His torn cheek flaps with every word. It's sickening to see. I can't believe I did that to a person, even a crazy one. 

"I'm sorry?" Kira says. 

"Turn it on. Callie's going in the portal whether she likes it or not."

Only now do I finally feel a twinge of fear. "How?"

Simon looks at me right in the eye. "Unfortunately, I can't hypnotize you. Not because you're a Keeper-I unBlocked my power a long time ago- but because of your intelligence level. So, I have to do with the next best thing. Manpower."

Okay, I hadn't really planned things out when I escaped. I was-still am-running on emotions that affected my decision making. But I hadn't considered the portal. I only wanted to hurt Simon.

Now, facing the portal, I wish I had just stayed put. I'm terrified now.

Kira looks at him, then at me. She mouths one word at me. Earth.

I frown in confusion. Kira shakes her head slightly, and mouths something again. Think of Earth.

I can't mouth anything back at her, not while Simon's watching me. But I don't understand. Not just the cryptic message, but why she's saying it. Is she helping me? Helping Simon?

I ponder this a second too long. Simon sighs and mutters, "And here I thought you were picked for your intelligence."

That I understand. Simon's talking about why I picked for my power. I also understand that he's insulting me, and taking my hesitation for stupidity. Maybe it is.

"What, are you gonna pick me up and throw me into the portal?" I scoff, hoping to buy some time. "Or will you get one of your hypnotized slugs to do it for you?"

"I think I can handle your weight. I'm not weak, unlike you. Are you turning the machine on?" Simon asks Kira suddenly.

"Working on it," she says. She looks at me and winks. I'm genuinely confused. What is going on with Kira? Granted, I don't know her well enough, but she seems so close to Simon to act all chummy with me.

"Good. Go stand on the portal. Now!" he barks at me.

"No," I say, my voice trembling. Damn.

"No?" Simon seems amused now. "Too bad, Cal. Your chance to choose is gone." He pulls a gun from a holster. It must be of human making, because it's nothing like the guns on Azera. He grabs my shoulder and turns me around roughly. He presses the gun into the base of my neck and shoves me forward. I feel sick with fear. He won't kill me, but he won't hesitate to hurt me. I can die later. Just this one thing for him, and he won't give a damn about what happens to me next.

I stumble onto the portal, and turn around slowly. Simon still has the gun on me, but he won't shoot. Not now. All that we're waiting for is Kira to finally switch on the machine.

Simon meets my eyes. "I'm sorry to have to do this to you," he whispers. 

"And...activate," Kira mutters at the computer.

"No, you're not," I tell Simon as the machine crackles to life around me. "You have to care to be sorry."

Purple lights pulsate, and little lightning bolts seem to attach to me. But they don't hurt, only multiply, until the interior of the portal fills with a purple light.

Suddenly, it feels like I'm being ripped apart, down to my individual components. I scream in agony. I want to move, get off the portal, but I can't. I'm stuck. I can't see anything, because the light's so bright.

All of the sudden, the light disappears. I'm falling. I feel the gown fluttering around me, but I can't see it. I can't see myself at all. All I can comprehend is darkness and the occasional flash of purple lightning.

Think of Earth. Kira's words float back to me. And I do. I don't know why, but I focus on Earth. I think of Earth with all my might. Imagine the woods. Didn't she say that one of the holes in reality was in the woods? It was a long time ago that she said it, but I'm sure of it.

The light comes back, but it's different. Warmer. Blocked by splotches of yellow and green. Leaves? Maybe. The air smells so sweet, so clean, unlike the air on Marix or in the Training Base. It certainly wouldn't smell so nice if we were on Tura, going by what the twins said about pollution levels there.

Footsteps to my left. I roll my head in that direction, but my vision's so fuzzy. I can barely make out anything. A young male voice shouts something. I don't understand what he's saying.

A figure bends over me, blocking the light. I can hardly make out the features of his face.

He says something in the human language. I try to focus on his face, prop myself up on my elbows.

Bad move. My eyes roll back into my head and I fall unconscious. But before my head hits the dirt, one last thought occurs to me: Simon's gonna come and look for me.

I just brought the enemy to Earth.


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