Chapter 32

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Imagine wire glasses on David Tennant and that's what James looks like.

Since the people in groups are more or less the same age, we all take the same classes together, and they vary from year to year-for instance, we learned a very basic Biology back when I was twelve, then Chemistry last year, then a more in-depth view of Biology this year (We need to know Chemistry to help us with Biology, but for the life of me I couldn't tell you why we couldn't just take Biology all at once after Chemistry) and next year, we learn Anatomy and Physiology-but every year, we have to have a History Class, a Language Arts class, a Science class, and a Mathematics. Each class is an hour and a half long, with a half-hour lunch break in-between our third and fourth class, and the order of our classes varies from group to group. My group starts off with History, which is taught by a very lenient, chubby man who couldn't care if we showed up or not. He barely glances at half the class (AKA Astrid and me) slides into their seats late. James, who is sitting with the other Guardians and ignoring their conversation, shoots me a dirty look. On hindsight, I probably should've been more careful with my timing. His Keeper being ten minutes late is not gonna help his mood in the slightest.

I can't help but zone out to the teacher's monotone drone about Azera's government, how they got rid of the monarchy, blah blah blah.... I actually find myself dozing off from time to time. I'm glad when the hour and a half ends and Science begins. The History Trainer wanders off to bore the little ones and the Science Trainers steps in.

The school work keeps my mind off of other dimensions and Simon. It distracts me so well, in fact, that I don't realize James left the training room until the third class ends and I'm off to lunch. I sigh and track down Amacus. "Hi," he says once he sees me.

"Hey, you wanna see if we can go up to the surface tonight instead?" I ask him.

"I did not get my two hours in," he says. "What about tomorrow?"

"Oh, yeah, tomorrow's good," I say. "After dinner?"

He shrugs. "That works."

"Great," I say.

We talk about our classes throughout lunch. Astrid and Masan join in, though I spot Masan shooting Amacus dirty looks the entire time. I remember what James said a few days ago, about it being a small complex, and that things don't stay quiet for long here. I guess that's true, but Masan looks like he's going to murder Amacus.

I think Amacus picks up on this, too, because while we're leaving, he mutters to me, "I don't think your friend likes me."

"Masan?" I mutter back. "Yeah, he's had a crush on me for a long time."


"He likes me more than as friend," I explain. "But I think he'll get over it, in due time."

"That does not happen on Tura," Amacus says. "We love-"

"For life, Alexa told me," I mutter.

He looks at me curiously. "Is something bothering you?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow," I say as we reach the training room. The dining hall is on the same floor as the dorms, so we only have to go down a floor.

After struggling through Mathematics (always a fun time) I'm finally able to go back to the dorm. It's empty. Wherever James is, I don't know. I could go searching for him, but I have the feeling he wants to be alone.

Ten minutes later, I get up from the couch and meander down to the gym. I'll probably play with the little kids. I have to help make dinner, but not for another two and a half hours.

The Keepers of Azera ( Book 1 of the Keepers Trilogy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora