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Adalene hastily grabbed her life jacket. She followed Tommy into the ships bunker, rows of tables filled with food lined the bunker. Nurses where everywhere, handing out jam and toast to the starving soldiers.

As she was about to grab a piece of toast, Tommy turned around to face her. "Adalene, please put on your life jacket. Just in case", he sounded worried. He only called her Adalene when he is serious.

She nodded her head as she slipped the white life jacket over her tattered dress. As she was straping herself in, she noticed that Gibson didn't get in the bunker.

"Tommy? Where did Gibson go?", she asked, curiosity filling her voice. Tommy scanned the bunker, his eyes landing on the sealed door.

"I'm sure he is here somewhere Flower", he reassured her. She knew that he in fact wasn't in the bunker, but she was tired and hungry. Gibson is ok. Just stop worrying., she thought to herself.

Adalene grabbed a piece of stale toast with some jam on it. She took a bite, and another. After a minute, the piece of toast was totally consumed.

If Adalene had to eat that before the war, she would have probably complained. But since the food rationing anything was considered delicious. Even stale toast and jam.

She stood near Tommy, she was always a step behind him. Adalene watched him as he spoke with another soldier.

She tried to hear as much as she can from the conversation but they where both speaking quietly. After a while, the other solider asked about Gibson.

"What happened to your friend?", he asked while motioning towards the bunker door. "He's just looking for a quick way out", Tommy said.

Adalene knew that Tommy wasn't telling her the truth, and now it was confirmed. Before she could say anything she heard shouting from outside of the ship.

She couldn't make out much, but she froze when she heard that one word. Torpedo.

Adalene was suddenly thrown to the side as a massive explosion hit the other side of the ship. Water started pouring in, filling the bunker.

Adalene screamed for Tommy as he did the same. She was pushed under as the bunker completely filled with water. She started to kick in every direction. Her lungs burning.

Adalene felt someone pushing her forwards. She remembered it was where the door was. She swam to it. To her dismay, the door was sealed from the outside. She started pounding on the door.

Her lungs felt like they were going to explode. After what felt like and eternity, the door flew open. She struggled to swim out, but managed.

Adalene took huge gulps of air. It felt so good to finally be able to breathe. She looked around her. Tommy was no where to be seen. The ship in front of her was slowly going down.

"T-Tommy!", she screamed. Her voice stretched out in the open water. "Tommy!", she screamed again. Adalene was beginning to panic.

"Tommy! Please Tommy be alive", she felt her voice shake as she started crying. Tommy was gone.


As Tommy entered the bunker, he made sure that Adalene had her life jacket on. Anything could happenen.
He knew that the Germans were bombing the ships with their submarines.

As he was turning around to get Adalene and him some toast, she asked the dreaded question. "Tommy? Where did Gibson go?", she asked him. Curiosity filling her blue eyes.

He knew that Gibson wanted an easy way out. But he couldn't tell Adalene that this damned ship could sink. "I'm sure he is here somewhere Flower", he tried to convince her.

Tommy turned around to be faced with Alex, another soldier he saved when the ship went down. "So, is she your girlfriend?", he asked.

Tommy choked on his piece of toast. "Why do you want to know?", Tommy asked him. "Well I just wanted to know if she was single. She's a quite fit birdy", he spoke while munching on his toast.

Tommy felt his blood run cold. Calm yourself, he told himself. "Yea, she's my girlfriend", he spoke harshly. He knew that it wasn't true, but no way in hell was Alex going to take Adalene.

"So what happened to your friend?", He asked again, while staring at the bunker door. "Oh, he's looking for a quick way out", Tommy replied. He knew that Adalene had heard him.

But he was brought out of his thoughts when he heard screams outside. He was confused to why there was such a sudden outburst. Before he could understand what's happening, a loud explosion rattled the ship.

Water started pouring in from the outside, filling the bunker completely. He started to swim towards the door, pushing Adalene in front of him. As he saw a light appear from above the water, he felt relieved.

Maybe Adalene would survive he thought. The next few seconds were a blur. The water started pouring out from the bunker door. His body got carried out of the ship with the water.

He couldn't hear anything. Expect the ringing in his head.


Hey lovelies! I haven't updated this book in a while but I decided to tonight. I left you all on a cliffhanger pls don't hate me 😂.

School starts tomorrow and I'm honestly so scared. I should be asleep rn but I updated instead. Hope you all enjoy!

FLOWER • (TOMMY; FIONN WHITEHEAD)Where stories live. Discover now