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Tommy opened his eyes. Everything was blurry. He could hardly make out the blurry lights of the sinking ship. The ringing in his head continued for another minute.

All he was thinking about was Adalene. Was she safe? Did she make it out? All these question running through his mind made his head hurt.

He grasped his head with both hands and squeezed his eyes shut. The ringing slowly diminished and his vision wasn't as blurry.

He could hear faint screams and shouts, but he couldn't make out what they were saying. He started to swim closer to the voices. Each time he neared closer, the voices got louder.

He stopped when he heard her voice. Her glorious angelic voice. Calling for him. Calling for him.

He started swimming faster. "Adalene!", he screamed. A figure of gold and brown neared him. As he got closer, he was able to make out her golden hair.

It was her. He swam closer while calling her name. Finally, she turned around. Her cheeks where a deep crimson, tears cascading down them. "Tommy?", she whimpered. "Adalene, it's me", Tommy spoke. 

She threw her arms around his neck while pulling him closer. She burrowed her head in the crook of his neck, her body shaking as each sob escaped.

She was shivering. Clinging onto Tommy like he'd disappear at any second.

At that moment it felt like it was just them. Just the two broken people, holding each other. Trying to fix one another.


Adalene felt so safe and secure in Tommy's arms. She was so incredibly happy that he made it out alive. Adalene didn't know why she felt such a weird, yet beautiful feeling when she saw Tommy.

But she decided to push those thoughts aside. It was a time of war, not a time to fall in love.

The thing is, love can happen anywhere. It could happen at any moment and any time. You'd just have to accept it.

As Adalene and Tommy pulled apart, Alex swam towards them.

"Hey Tommy! Hey mate! We have to swim towards a boat, will freeze to death if we stay in the water!", he shouted.

Adalene winced, the loud noise hurting her head. She looked at Tommy.

"He's right, come on Adalene", Tommy said, as he and Alex began swimming.

Adalene tried to follow, but stopped, gripping her side.

She felt a sticky hot substance, her blood.

Every time she'd try to kick, it would feel as if a thousand knives had stabbed her side.

Tommy noticed her struggle.
It was dark, but the lights from the life boats lamps illuminated the dark water.

He could see a dark red substance pooling around Adalene.

Her face was scrunched up in pain, even thought the water was cool, you could see the beads of sweat dotting her face.

"Flower, are you ok?", he asked panic filling his voice.

"T-Tommy, it hurts", she barely whispered.

"Stay with me ok flower?", he said while stroking her damp golden hair.

"Alex!" He screamed out into the open water, his voice echoing back.

He saw his fellow soldier swim towards him.

"Help me get her to the closet boat",he said as both men prepared to take Adalene to safety.

The two men where swimming in the dark, cold water. Helping the injured girl through the water.

They finally made it to a boat.
"Please, let us on" Tommy pleaded, his dying girl in his arms .

"Sorry lads. No space. You'll have to swim back to the beach", the soldier said.

"Please, just let her on. She's loosing too much blood", he pleaded again.

The solder turned around, discussing with the other men.

"Bring her on, you can come too since a lad sacrificed his spot for you", he said.

Tommy sighed of relief. He helped Adalene's body onto the boat, climbing in after.

He sat down, Adalene beside him as he cradled her while adding pressure to her open wound.

"Please hold on", he whispered.

FLOWER • (TOMMY; FIONN WHITEHEAD)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat