"Rosbifs & Bouches"

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Dunkirk. Once a bustling costal city of France, now lay in ashes. It's beautiful pastel coloured homes were destroyed. Streets covered in rubble, and the occasionally, the innocent civilians remains.

All alone and determined to survive, Adalene roamed the silent streets trying to find a way out. Since the boches have cornered the city, her only way out was the beach.

As her petite figure carefully roamed the torn city, Tommy and the rest of his fellow soldiers were running. Running to desperately escape the downfall of bullets behind them.

One by one, each solider alongside Tommy fell. The noise of bullets piercing flesh will forever haunt him. As he was running through Dunkirk's shattered streets, he ran into her.

She fell. Hitting the ground with a loud thud. Her elbows harshly collide with the hard stone ground as a heavy weight laid on top of her. She didn't dare move out of fear that whomever was on top of her was a boche.

"Damn it!", she heard the man mumble. She finally let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in. He was a British solider, a rosbifs
Hello guys! This is my first Dunkirk related fanfiction. I really do hope you enjoy the first chapter. I hope I constantly update till I finish this book! Also do comment to let me know if I should make the chapters longer since I do not know if this chapter is too short.

Boche: The French called the German soldiers the "boche"

Rosbifs: The French called the British "rosbifs". Rosbif literally translates to beef or roast beef.

FLOWER • (TOMMY; FIONN WHITEHEAD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant