Chapter 5 | Wow, Gym Class Sucks

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Kyle's POV


"Why are you so smiley today? And tired?" Stan asked the ginger next to him, smiling and drinking coffee like an idiot. That ginger was, in fact, me, who can't stop remembering the events of last night.

"I met the most amazing person... who was MY FREAKING IDOL!" I exclaimed, Stan, looking confused as ever. He also was looking a bit down, like...

"Stan, did Wendy break up with you again?" I asked, drinking even more coffee. I feel like Tweek, but with a small thermos than his. Mine was 24 ounces, and his was about double the size! That kid needs to get his head together and stop drinking coffee! I focused back on Stan, who had just tole me something while I wasn't listening.

"Of course she did, and left me for Bebe! That bitch..." He murmured, watching the two hand in hand walking down the hallway. He flipped them off as he walked by, getting the finger in return by both of them

"It's like she didn't even care about me in the first place..." He started, tuning him out and going back to my own thoughts. Seriously... Stan needs to stop trusting Wendy and going in relationships with her. I can't handle him ranting about Wendy any longer!

"Stan! Please, stop. Just... get over her already!" I yelled at him, finally snapping. Maybe it was from my tiredness, or whatever...

"W-Why?! I loved her! I can't let her go that easily!" He replied, tears dripping from his eyes. Bullcrap, WE'RE IN 4TH GRADE! He doesn't know what love even is! We're all so young and naive... well most of us are. Kenny, he does know a lot about 'things', I guess.

"Stan, cut the crap and move on! I'm done with you right now..." I said walking away and taking another sip of coffee. This kid, I tell ya. At least he's not as bad as-

"KYLE! IT'S YOUR FAVOURITE PERSON!" Cartman yelled behind me, running up to me while throwing a bad at me. I caught it, dropping the binders in my other arm. He treats me like I'm his slave or something like that...

"Shut up, fatass," I replied, dropping his bag on the ground 'by accident'. We both had gym class right now, and both of us were late cause he can't just leave me alone. He even tries to flirt with me at times, which is weird???

"Let's go, and carry your own damn bag!" I told him, walking through the double doors, Cartman following a little too closely behind. Everyone was already in the locker rooms, which means we were really late.

"Ugh... thanks to you for not just carrying my bag, we're LATE!" He exclaimed, only in result to me shoving him against the wall, ready to punch him as soon as he said some stupid remark. Instead, he just turned really red..?

"It's not my damn fault! So stop blaming me for random stuff like this!" I yelled at him, hoping no one could hear us. If someone walked in on us like this, they might get the wrong idea...

"Aww, it's my fault? LIAR!" He yelled back in reply, glancing around nervously. He was so red, maybe as red as my hair now that I think about it. A door opened, breaking my glare into his eyes.

"Kyle?" Two voices said at the same time.



Kenny's POV


"Kyle?" Stan and I both said at the same time after walking out of the locker room at the same time. I was a little red of embarrassment, considering I don't really take my hood off. But this class, I had to. Every time is different for how people will react. Today is the day we play the one day we were never allowed to play: Dodgeball.

"U-Uh... I can explain!" He stuttered, turning red as Cartman was right now.

Cartman's embarrassed? Or blushing...

I felt my heart crack just a little bit, considering I did have a little thing for Kyle... even though it may just be a wave of something, I guess?

"We were just... Uh... hanging out???" He said. I replied with a quick first response of, "That sounded like a damn question, fatass. Tell me what you both really doing," His eyes darted quickly around the room, then at Stan.

"STAN! Stan was the reason we were... uh... fighting! Yeah!" He stuttered, obviously making something up on the spot. Jealously rushed over me, and I'll get my revenge during the game today.


Time Skip


"ALRIGHT, WHERE THE HELL ARE TWEEK AND CRAIG?!" The gym teacher yelled at us. I snickered while looking up and down the line at all my classmates. Clyde (who was towards the end) raised his hand, maybe having a clue on where the two lovebirds were. We all know they are a thing, and of course, I saw them almost do things last night.

"Yes Clyde," The teacher called on him, looking like he regrets calling on him. He was, in my opinion, kind of dumb. Just my opinion, nothin' special.

"W-well, I saw them in the locker room together. I was the last one out beside them, so maybe they're still getting changed," He replied, turning a little red after saying that.

"They might be fucking!" Cartman shouted out, who was standing next to Clyde. The class erupted in laughter, only to get all of us detention. beside Kyle and I. I didn't think it was that funny, and neither did him. We just looked at each other, the way we did last night. But he doesn't know it was me. He knows it was Mysterion. We broke our stare at each other when the teacher started talking again. I never did remember his name...

"Since Eric was the cause of that horrible interruption, why don't you go check on them?" He said, pointing towards the door to the boy's locker room. I snickered just a little but quickly quieted down when I saw the teacher glare at me.

"Sweet. I get to see a homosexual intercourse," He chuckled, getting a two-week detention from the teacher. As normal students would do when the teacher isn't paying attention or scolding a student for not following the rules, we all started talking. I started walking over to Kyle, only to be interfered with Stan talking to me.

"SO HEY KENNY!" He exclaimed, looking a little red. Is everyone getting sick or something? Why does everyone turn red?! Not of embarrassment, but of...


shitshitshitshitshit! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!

I can't like Kyle that much, can I?

"... and I was gonna ask what I should do and who I should aim for next!" He finished, not realizing I wasn't listening to him the whole time. I shook my head, breaking my train of thought.

"Huh? Sorry, had something important on my mind," I said, chuckling nervously only to get a death stare from him. He walked over to Kyle, who was chatting (arguing... don't tell him I thought that) with Bebe about something. I swear, Stan's gonna be the one to take Kyle. Probably not Cartman, cause I know Kyle hates him.

"...both IN DETENTION! FOR THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!" The teacher yelled at Tweek and Craig, who were both intensely red or embarrassment. They were both caught in the act, which made me smile. Cartman was there with them also, since he was dragged up with him. Apparently, Cartman was the one who found the duo, which is kinda surprising.

"Alright, now that we found the two sickos, we can continue class. Starting with dodgeball!" He said, throwing a dodgeball right at Token, who caught it perfectly. I looked at Stan and Kyle, who were talking and glancing at me.



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