Chapter Two

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The bell rang and I popped my head up from the desk still drowsy from my uncomfortable nap.
"Wait! The bell does not dismiss you, I do. Take your seats." Mrs. Folkshire my english teacher commanded.
I was aggravated at the fact that my teacher wasn't allowing me to leave my seat. Finally, my row was called. I was eager to leave the room so I could go to my best friend Cecilia. She said she had something to discuss with me, but of course I was told to wait by the teacher.
"Uhm, Gabby darling please stay for a moment." Mrs. Folkshire spoke as she cleared her throat.
"Yes, Mrs. Folkshjre?" I asked with a forced smile.
"Well, I'm afraid you're failing this class. Therefore you will not be able to attend in your basketball championship. Well, unless you're able to raise your grade in a few days." Mrs. Folkshire smiled politely.
"Actually, I have a two written and printed out, assignments done. They were not signed assignments but I hope they will be able to raise my grade?" I was nervous my hands were trembling as I was handing her the papers.
She snatched them from my hands and lifted her coffee as she was about to scan through the paper.
I watched her hand as she slowly tipped the cup and coffee poured a stream down my white work of paper.
The coffee left such a dark and unbearable stain.
"Oh dear, I suppose you'll have to write a new paper." She looked up at me as she dropped the paper in the garbage.
I glared at her, but I knew if I did anything more I would sure be put it detention. I lifted my bag and slowly walked out of the room.
I jumped as Anne said hello immediately once I exited the class.
"Hi! So, I was thinking may-" I cut Anne off asking my own question.
"Were you waiting for me?" I scoffed, "Creep."
"Oh, no! I was just..."
Her voice faded off as I continued down the hallway ignoring her comments. Obviously, I was gonna ignore her, I mean no one talks to Anne. She's seriously a creep, even more rumors have spread about her just in the past week. Things so bizarre as Anne killing her own mother. People say that because apparently her father is in 'Prison' and everyone already knows she looks nothing like her mother now. So, everyone thinks that she was just adopted by someone from the mental institution because no one else wanted her. I mean i'm honestly surprised she just hasn't killed herself yet.
   "Hey, Gabby! Come on let's go to the Ice Cream Cafe?" Cecilia honked her car horn signaling for me to get in.
   I ran to the car and hopped in, "Okay, you won't believe it. But, you know Anne Luna right?" Cecilia asked me.
  "Well, um of course, who doesn't. The creep that lives next door to me? Mental asylum run away? Everyone knows her C. Everyone." I grinned thinking of the nicknames for her.
  "Okay, well I was on a date with Bryan yesterday. You know the one on the football team black hair, cute smile." Cecilia giggled while she spoke, "Well anyways, I was eating and laughing all peaceful and then I saw Anne there. But, she looked different like not actual Anne, but it was actual Anne."
   "What? What does that even mean? How could it be Anne but not 'actual Anne'?" I asked confused.
   "I don't know but she looked over at me and put her finger to her lips, like I was supposed to keep a secret or something. But, that's not even the weirdest part. When I walked out of the restaurant I saw Anne again. She was with some creepy guy in an alleyway and she looked really suspicious." C's hands were getting sweater by the moment.
   "Hmph, that's odd." I bit my nails just thinking about it.
   We got to the cafe, I ordered a classic strawberry milkshake and C orders a classic chocolate milkshake. Then I saw Anne. I locked my eyes on her as she was staring directly at a wall. She waved her hand as if someone was standing diagonal from her.
   "What the hell." I whispered so quiet not even Cecilia could hear me.
   I could hardly even hear myself but Anne could, she turned her head sharply and made eye contact with me. I felt as if I was selling my soul to the devil. No matter how hard I wanted to look away, I couldn't.


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⏰ Huling update: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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