Chapter three

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"Mrs Rivers" I woke up to see Professor Sprout looking at me.

"Yes?" I asked in a very sleepy voice.

"Wake up Mrs Rivers, you don't want to get hit by a plant."

I looked at her then I looked at the plant beside me. It seemed pretty content to stay where it was, and not cause any trouble.

I blinked a couple times and looked away, then it's when it hit.


"Bloody hell Rivers what happened to you?!" Severus asked me with a surprised looked.

I had a cut by my eyebrow that was better now, it was also very purple and blue. "Well you should know by now that, I'm not really good in herbology."

"Ah" was all he said as I sat down.

"Yeah." I pulled out my books for potions. I started writing down some stuff before class started.

"What the hell Rivers.." I looked to where the voice came from.

"Why is it the hell always come before my name?" I asked Regulus as he walked over to me.

"What happened to you, you look like you went home early." He smirked at me as he slammed his books on the desk.

"Well Black if you really must know, I decided I couldn't take much more of your face or bull crap. So I thought I'd do something horribly wrong to my face so you'll leave me alone."

He's face scrunched up.

"Sadly that didn't work, so if you'd leave me alone that would be great." I said as I started writing again.

I wasn't really paying attention till I heard Snape moving. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Regulus sitting beside me.

"Heh" was all I said as the teacher walked through the door.

*5 minutes later*

Regulus wasn't paying attention at all and was passing me notes. I haven't opened any of them, he made one into a Bird and it flew around the classroom without being caught, it landed on my note book. I just pushed it out of the way.

Regulus moved closer to me and whispered into my ear. I started getting goosebumps, but not in a good way.

"Come on Rivers open up my notes, I'll start a scene if you don't." I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him.

"Move away now or I won't even touch them." I growled lightly.

He put his hands up in defence and moved away. "Aye Rivers whatever you say."

I shook my head, I looked at the notes that were all over my note books.

"Bloody hell Black." I whispered, I grabbed the bird note and opened it.

Meet me at the astronomy tower. 9


I raised a eyebrow, I looked at him. He was paying attention to the teacher now. He's black hair in the way of his face and his haughty good looks...

I looked away and stared at my note books. I felt my face heat up.

No no don't even start this, I don't like him. I never will, he is a git and a asshole.

I hit my head against the desk. "Bloody hell" I said really loud.

"Ms.Rivers please pay attention."

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