The Conflict

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Sorry for the super long wait just got inspiration back for the book!!

Location: Training Room, Deception Base
P.O.V. 3rd Person

Megatron sliced into the holographic figure as more appeared and attacked. Starscream walked in and leaned against the wall next to the door as he watched Megatron. The warlord switched weapons from sword to fusion cannon faster than a blink of an optic as he shot at the bots around him, he moved so quickly for a mech of his size as every hologram was gone then suddenly shot at Starscream purposely missing by a few inches. Starscream yelped and jumped away from the now burn mark on the wall. "Why are you here, Starscream." Megatron hissed as he was breathing heavily. "I simply wanted to give you a update on Project Nemisis, my lord." Starscream said as he was catching his breath from almost being shot. "Then state it!" Megatron growled as his heavy breathing slowed. "The ship progress is almost complete, both vehicons and Decepticons are already finding berthrooms and setting up. All that needs to be done is finding enough energon to get it off the ground and keep it up there." The seeker said and Megatron nodded. "What about the mines?" The war lord asked. "One through four are now completely empty... if word is true they wont be the last mines emptied." Starscream said. "Cut the Nemesis Project fifty percent of the energon." Megatron said stirly. "What!? Thats insane we c-" Starscream was quickly slammed into the wall making the seeker scream in fear as Megatron pushed his blade against his neck just enough to make energon seep out of one his cables. "I am the leader of this faction, not you! So when I give orders you follow them!!" Megatron yelled and Starscream nodded as he let out a few scared whimpers. Megatron pushed Starscream away and stormed out, as he walked his mind was filled with Rayblade and what he was going to do. He hoped Soundwave spoke to her.

Location: Rayblades Room
P.O.V. 3rd Person

Rayblade laid there stairing at the roof. She had tried everything she could to escape, even though the door was unlocked she knew once she went outside Soundwave would see her. The young femme slid her digits down the berth as she thought, the smooth metal of the berth and the cold feeling made her think of simpler times as she closed her optics. Rayblade could almost see the old broken down housing unit they used to live in... Megatronus keeping a watchful optic on her and his twin. It pained her to think back on the older especially when she knew Orion Pax and Megatronus weren't coming back no matter how hard she wished. As she was lost in thought the door opened, making Rayblade jump and look at the door seeing Soundwave. "What do you want." she huffed as Soundwave walked in. <"How are you doing?"> Soundwave asked through another voice recording. "How do you think!?" She yelled. "Megatron and Optimus both lied to me!!" Rayblade almost cried. Soundwave came closer and spoke again. <"you can talk-" "to-" "Soundwave."> he said and Rayblade looked at him.

Location: Sea Of Rust
P.O.V. 3rd Person

Optimus and three other troops were heading towards the location the Decepticon base was spotted after sending out scouting troops. "Optimus sir!" The prime turned to the voice and saw a little larger than normal size mech. "I got word that we're heading into a trap... is that true? Should we be on high alert?" The mech asked. "The chance of this being a trap is just as high as ever." Optimus responded and the mech nodded rejoining the group to chat. Optimus staired at the troops hopping this was wasn't a trap, he turned forward and took a deep breath as they started to climb up a hill.

Location: Decepticon Base, Hallways
P.O.V. 3rd Person.

Megatron was still walking the halls letting his peds guide him as he was lost in thought. He hated waiting for his sister to trust him again all he wanted was his sister back but Optimus corrupted her! Changed her view on Megatron and it pained him to think that Rayblade was never going to be his younger sister... just a shadow of what the warlord wished to be there. As Megatron thought he was unconsciously walking towards her room and stopped walking right when he entered the hallway that had her room. "Frag." He cursed with growl in his voice. Megatron knew going to her would only make it worse so why was it so hard? The warlord stood there in his thoughts before Soundwave walked out of Rayblades room instantly catching the attention of Megatron! "Soundwave." The war lord called making the information specialist turn his helm to face Megatron. To be honest Soundwave didn't see him at first and was slightly surprised when Megatron called him. "What did she say?" He continued walking up to Soundwave, he shrugged in response. "She had to have said something!" Megatron growled making infobot shrug again, the warlord leaned forward towards Soundwave. To any other bot this would be menacing but to the information specialist Megatron came off as worried and scared for his sister so he saw no reason to move and only stared at the warlord making his burned and scratched face reflect on his mask. Megatrons servos tightened into fists and he let out an animal like growl. "Tell me what she said or so-" Megatron was interupted by Soundwave. "Soundwave: unable to comply." He spoke the warlords optics widened surprised by his voice, Megatron hasn't heard him speak ever since they first fought... he forgot he could even speak thinking his voice box was broken. While Megatron was frozen Soundwave turned away and walked leaving the warrior alone in the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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