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RayBlade P.O.V

"I-..." I paused for a moment. "I dont know, Megatron... its all confusing... and I Don't know who to trust any more." I said in a quite tone, wile looking down. It was silent for a moment and in this moment I felt extremely awkward. Megatron responded coldly. "Optimus is not the bot you used to knoe RayBlade... he is trying to deceive you." I looked up at him, he was still looking forward as we walked to the med bay. Once we got there Megatron opened the door and I froze when I saw Jazz on one of the berths being tortured by CrissCross and Wrench! But right before I could do anything Megatron closed the door. "What was that!!" I yelled. "Rayblade-" I interupted him. "No!! I want Jazz!" I yelled about to open the door til Megatron and pulled me away. "I am trying to be nice, RayBlade!" He growled as I slowly backed away as he took steps forward. "You are acting like a disrespectful piece of scrap!!" He yelled as his fusion cannon started to hum to life. I backed up agents the wall as tears start to form in my optics. Megatron seemed to notice this and grabbed my arm dragging me off. "Le- Let go!!" I yelled trying to get his extremely tight grip off my arm. He let out a growl that almost instantly shut me up. He dragged me to my berth room opening the door and throwing me in. I fell to the floor and quickly got up and ran to the door to try and get out til Megatron closed the door on my face locking it.

I backed and looked around for an exit as tears streamed down my face. "F- Frag! What was I thinking!!" I yelled hiding my face in my servos. My light crys quickly changed to sobs as I fell to my knee pads

Autobots Base

Optimus Prime P.O.V.

A large group of bots and I had just gotten back our head medic, Ratchet. Was quick to start fixing the other bots before me. While I sat there some of the other medcs ran and walked past me. Most of the Decepticons directed they're force towards me so I ended up with meny shot wounds and a almost dislocated arm. But to be honest this was berely any thing compared to the guilt and angery feeling I had in my spark. I poped out of my thoughts when someone tapped my shoulder pad. "Sir?" I look over to see a small red mech he looked to be just reaching his teenage years. "Yes?" I asked the red mech was about to speak when Ratchet came up. "KnockOut! What did I tell you about talking to the patients! Go to your berth and wait for me there!!" Ratchet ordered and the young mech ran off. "I apologize for KnockOut, I picked him off the streets so hes new to all this." Ratchet apologized. "Its quite fine, old friend." I said, Ratchet glanced at the other medics and noticed everything was under control. "How about I start fixing you up." Ratchet said grabbing some tools. I watched Ratchet start to weld my chassis. "How did you find KnockOut." I asked looking down at Ratchet.

"I found KnockOut in the ruins of what appeared as his home. He appeared to be only a few days old, I couldn't leave him there he would die so I took him with me. He eventually became sparkling bonded towards me and now... here I am taking care of a rebellious teenager." He said I smiled slightly when I remembered RayBlade going through that same faze but my smile faded when the thoughts of what Megatron might be putting RayBlade. Ratchet welded the last minor wound before looking at my arm. "What happened here?" Ratchet asked. "A bot with a sword caught me off guard from behind. But luckily Bumblebee shot him down." I explained looking at Ratchet. "What? Are you serious!" Ratchet said surpised that the scout that once yelled at the Prime was now saving him from loosing his arm. "Yes, it appears that Bumblebee is quite the scout." I said, making Ratchet scoff.

"Just a few days ago that scout tried to attack you." Ratchet said. "Yes but it appears he has appears he has changed." I responded. "Your making a mistake." Ratchet mumbled. "The only way to know if you can trust someone is to trust them." I said blankly. Ratchet accidentally welded a wire and I flinch at the pain. "Dont say those stupid quotes when I have a welder in my servo and my tool up your arm!" Ratchet growled a moment of silence settled on us for a few moments as Ratchet placed new plating over the now fixed wiring and welded the plating on. "Finished, try not to transform the arm and you should be good." Ratchet said looking to my face. I was blankly looking forward thinking. "You ok?" Ratchet asked. I turn to him and nod. "I am fine." I lie, even though I try not to lie to my medic... sometimes he just needs some time to relax. "Optimus. May I speak with you in privet?" Ratchet asked putting the tools away. I nodded and Ratchet led me to his berthroom. He opened the door and I walked feeling slightly more confused. "Now im psychiatrist but something is definitely on your processor." Ratchet said closing the door. "Ratchet I truly am fi-" Ratchet interupted. "You really think im believing that bullscrap!?" Ratchet growled. "Is it about RayBlade? Because it isn't your fault, Orion-" Ratchet covered his mouth. I glared at him lightly. "Yes, it is about RayBlade. But I do not need anyone to help me." I said in a more then menacing tone. I turned away about to walk out. "And Ratchet... its Optimus... Orion died the day I fought my brother." I left after that not really speaking with anyone as I walked to my berthroom to plan our next attack.


wowzer! That chapter took longer to finish then expected! Anyway im loving all the support!!! Thank you!!!

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