Sister Prime

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Me and Megatronus were walking home. Megatronus struck up a conversation so me and him were talking till he went quite all of sudden. "You ok?" I asked. "Yeah..." he answered. But I could tell something was off. "You can tell me anything Megsie!" I said. "Its about the Prime thing..." Megatronus stopped walking so did I. "What about the Prime thing?" I asked. "Yesterday after you went to your room for recharge. Sentinel Prime came, he said that you failed the test and me and Orion succeeded. Me and Orion are going to go to the head counsel next week to determine who will become a prime." Megatronus stopped he was saddened by the news. I looked at him also slightly saddened but my frown turned to a smile. "I-its ok! I mean- I didn't really wanna be a prime. I was never actually built to be a prime if you ask me. But you and Orion! Orion is a super cop and your a gladiator! And me... I'm just your little sister. I'm happy for you! IM HAPPY FOR BOTH OF YOU!" I said smiling and making the mood brighter. "You sure?" Megatronus asked. "FRAG YEAH!" I yelled. I really was happy for Megsy and Orion... but also disappointed in myself. I failed... I wasn't even good enough. "Well then... Im happy you understand, RayBlade." Megatronus said with a happy voice and wrapped on of his arms around me. I smiled up at him. I hope Orion and Megsy have great time next week!

A few minutes later me and Megatronus finally get to the house. "Ray! Megs!" I hear Orion from behind me as I walked up to the door. I turn around and so did Megatronus. I see Orion get off of his hover police thing... I always forget the name. And ran over to me and Megatronus. "How was the Arena?" He asked as we all walked into the house. "Awesomely!" I answered fisting the air. "Megsy fought a Insecticon called....-" I forgot the name so I went silent trying to remember, till Megatronus interrupted the silence. "Mekitala." Megatronus corrected me. "Meki- who what!?" Orion asked. "Mech IE tall AI. Is how you say it, Orion." Megatronus corrected Orion. "That's one weird name." I said. "That's what you said the first time I told you." Megatronus laughed. "Yeah but its still true." I giggled. Megatronus and Orion rolled they're optics with a smile on they're faces. "So it was good?" Orion asked. I nodded and walked into the kitchen. The sun was starting to set and curfew was about to kick in. "I'm gonna miss this..." I said to myself. "Your gonna miss what?" Orion asked. "This! in a week one of you are gonna be a prime! Whoever becomes a prime is gonna be too busy to come here and see me and whoever didn't." Orion looked at me with sad optics. "I don't want to be a prime to be honest. Megatronus deserves that more then me. I... I think I'm not going. Megatronus is gonna end up as a prime it would be a waste of time." Orion said. "Well... then what am I going to do?" Megatronus asked as he looked at Orion. Orion shrugged. "All I know is that I'm not going." Orion said as he looked at Megatronus

The next day went horribly!

I wake up and slowly swong my legs off my berth bed. I stretch and yawn before getting off the berth bed. I walk out into the hallway to hear Sentinel in the kitchen. I walk down the hallway and stairs to see why Sentinel was even here! He glanced over at me and gave me a faint smile. "Good morning, RayBlade did you sleep well?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah I did... why are you here Sentinel?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen. "Well... I wanted to see your brothers." He responed with a blank look on his face. "Oh, yes... the prime thing... the thing I'm not apart of." I mumbled. Sentinels optics widened. "How did you know that?" He asked. Frag I forgot Megatronus wasn't supposed to tell me!! I thought. Sentinel sigh then smiled. "I should have known you'd figure it out... one of your brothers told you, didn't they?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah but I'm no snitch, so I'm not telling who!" I joked. Sentinel smiled. "Don't look down on yourself, I chose Orion Pax because of his great leadership and a ability to gather bots together, and I chose Megatronus because of his fighting skills and his strong structure." Sentinel explained. I looked at him. "I'm not looking down on myself!" I lied. Sentinel only stared at me with a blank expression. It was like that for a minute before. "Where are your brothers." He asked. I shrugged. "Probably recharging." I turned away to start making something to recharge my tanks. Sentinel grabbed my shoulder plating. "If it helps... you are just as good as a prime in my book." He whispered before walking away. I turned around and watched him walk up the stairs into the hallway.

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