Chapter 5

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“Im Here im here!” I breathed as I ran into Rileys loft! She was sitting on a bar stool at the kitchen counter.

“Well its about time, I was about to leave with out you.” She joked as she picked up her purse and jacket. “shall we..” I said walking out the door.

We took the elevator to the ground floor and began to walk towards the subway as neither of us had a car in the city, which neither of us seemed to mind anymore, the subway was so cheap and brought us to point A-Point B with no traffic or worries of parking.

“So what’s going on with you and Ben? Like are you gonna date or not.” She asked as we took a seat on the subway.

“Not.” I said glancing around at the weirdly empty car.

“WHY not! You two obviously like eachother and you look cute together , whats stopping you.” She said in a annoyed voice. She always is trying to get me and Ben together but it never works were both just comfortable being friends.

“Because Ri , were friends , best friends, I don’t want to ruin that.” I said trying to figure out if I actually believed myself.

“Ya I guess, but don’t come crawling to me when some other girl comes and snatches him up.” She said in a cocky tone and put in her headphone.

It felt like a long ride to the mall, but we finally arrived. When we headed up towards the mall I was amazed at how dead the streets were, was there some zombie attack, and I missed the memo or what. But whatever no pushy people to get in the way of my Sunday shopping. We decided to go to H&M first as it was my favorite store at the moment. And to my surprise again there were only maybe 6 people in the door when usually on weekends it was packed. I was tired of guessing so I went up to the cashier hoping she could let me know what was going on.

“Hi , excuse me, I was just curious , where the heck is everyone today!” I said plainly.

She looked up at my like I was stupid or something.

“Hun, everyones at much music right now, the closed down about 8 streets off Queen.” She said not even looking at me anymore but drawing her attention back to her phone.

“Why…” I questioned, that’s the stupidest thing I ever herd.

“ Oh Em Gee. Obviously because OneDirection are there right now, if I didn’t have to work id be there right now!.” She said again turning back to her phone.

“One Direction are here? In Canada? In Toronto ?” I yelled , and started waving to get Rileys attention , who was now admiring herself in the wall mirrors.

“Yep” the cashier said popping her ‘p’ a little.

“whhaat..” Riley moaned as she dragged her heels towards me.

“One…Direction… are here…in Toronto…Like down the street.” I said jumping up and down clapping like I was 13 again.

“Oh my god you and those boys, ill never under stand your fascination with them.” She said snapping her gum.

“That’s because your crazy, well lets go down the road and see if there still there!” I yelled running out the store.

“noo…Hales please don’t make me go!” she begged

“ugh fine ill go alone, but you owe me! But I have to hurry so love you ill call you when I get there!” I said giving her a quick hug then heading towards the bathroom. I am so glad that I decided to bring my makeup bag, I began to properly do my makeup, I stood back and approved once again on how I looked. You never know they may see me in the audience and fall head over heels for me, I laughed at the thought , as if, but just to be sure..

As I walked down the road I saw a crowd of girls heading towards me I moved out of the way as the clearly didn’t acknowledge my existence.

“wasn’t he so cute?” the one cried

“his hair oh my god did you see his hair!”

“He waved right at me , I swear!”

“Best day of my life”

They had to be talking about one direction , they were a little younger then me , my guess was about 15-16, and they were totally in love with them. I wasn’t as die hard of a fan as they were but I still did enjoy them. In the distance I saw the MUCHMUSIC sign and to my disappointment there were no longer people outside, “shit” I thought, I must have taken too long in the washroom. “oh well” I scuffed my feet down the road a bit more.

I headed back towards my loft, I decided to walk since I was half way there anyways, I picked up my phone and called Riley to let her know what happened.

“Hey, so I got there and no one was there.” I moaned

“Haha shit eh just your luck, well head home I ll make dinner for us and Ben?”

“Ya okay sounds good, im gonna get a coffee , do you want anything?” I asked as I walked into one of my favorite coffee shops, it was calleds Roes café, I liked it 1. Because the coffee was great and fast. And 2. Because it was off the road down a little alley so it didn’t get much traffic which was great because im not really a morning person and I hate everyone until I have a cup of coffee.

“no thank you, see you in a while” Riley sang and then hung up.

“Hey Hales,” a familiar voice from behind the counter greeted me as I walked in and placed my clutch on a table.

“Hey Roe, you good?” I said heading toward the washroom.

“Im great actually I have to show you something.” She whispered. I wasn’t really sure why she was whispering , I glanced around and only saw one table filled in the whole store near the back, I think it was a few boys maybe some girls.

“ok just give me a second.” I said opening the washroom door. The one thing that sucked about this place was there was only one washroom and the lock was broken , so I had to sit on the toilet with my foot against the door.

“Uh do you mind!” I yelled as someone tried to open the door.

“Oh sorry.”  I herd a deep somewhat familiar voice behind the door say.

“Its all yours..” I said texting Riley what just happened not even looking up at the strange man.

“Thanks love.” He replied, I then glance up about the tell him off for calling me “love” when I saw.

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