An Awakening Spirit

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Chapter 19

The light stung Hermione's eyes as she opened them to the blinding sunlight. It was 12 Hours after her incident and she was safely in her own bed, dressed in her tank top and pyjama shorts. She felt a great ache from her stomach and back as she tried to sit up. She clenched her eyes shut in pain, until it soared out of her system.

She glanced around the room in the dim sunlight. The memories from last night was still hazy, but the cuts and bruises present on her skin told her everything she needed to know. Her vision stopped dead upon a dark figure, that occupied her lounge chair in the far corner of her bedroom. Her breath was caught short and her throat suddenly dried up.

Hermione reached for her wand at her bedside table, only to remember that it was snapped in half just last night. She had nothing to defend herself with, in case it came down to the worst. The young women slowly and gently climbed out of her bed, with her legs unstably shaking. Before she headed over to the sleeping man in the room, her attention was on her body as she stationed herself in front of the mirror.

She inspected the bruises and cuts scattered along her form. She had been beaten black and blue. Only god knows how she had survived. Running her hands smoothly over her body, feeling some large bandages upon her stomach. Hermione gradually lifterd the hem of her vest top and revealed large white material bandages stuck on her stomach, stained in her own blood.

As soon as she could examine herself even further. A slight groan from the man broke the silence in the room. Hermione noticed within the mirror, that he was dreaming in his sleep as he turned over in the chair to face her. The grip on her top loosen in shock, observing the man through the glass. Could it really be him?

Hermione whirled around to get a better look at the figure. She let out a deep breath, as she held her tears back. Until she was completely sure of herself. Her legs led her over the sleeping man, now flinching slightly in his sleep. He must have been having a nightmare.

As Hermione got a clear look standing before him. Tears streamed down her cheeks in the approval of her thoughts. She was right. The inky coloured hair curtained his complexation but she was certain of the identity of the man now.

The only way this could be possible was that she must have been hallucinating. A ghost was present, an awakening spirit. Hermione reached out to the man's shoulder, only to think her hand would go straight through, at least that's what she was expecting. But her hand felt the hardness of his strong arm and quickly snapped her palm away in surprise. The man woke at her touch and she let out a quiet squeal, as he jumped up from the chair startled.

The couple stood staring at each other in astonishment. Severus Snape stood directly in front of Hermione, with his dark orbs baring into her like they used to many years ago. She didn't know what to say. Her body froze and a shiver shot up her spine, as she observed the man before her.

"Y-your dead." Hermione blurted out.

"Obviously not." Severus finally spoke.

"No you're just a ghost. You must be! I watched you die!" Hermione started to shout, holding her head in annoyance. Shaking the vision from her mind.

"Hermione-" Severus took a wary step towards her, with his hands up in defence. As he tried to handle the situation more calmly, knowing this was a complete shock to Hermione.

"Stay away from me! Your just in my head!" With each step Hermione took back, he took closer to her. She wanted to believe he was real, but she didn't want to give herself false hope if he wasn't.

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