Dans Le Noir

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Chapter 18

It was Thursday afternoon. After a long exhausting morning at work, Hermione went home and called Ginny to accompany her at her search for proper dress. She even skipped lunch as her excitement for her date with Author S got the best of her.

Ginny was glad to be there with Hermione, they hadn't talked for a while due to their jobs and full schedules. She made Hermione try every single dress she could find, but everything was just too much for Hermione.

"Ginny. I can't wear this dress! My legs are showing too much and it doesn't cover my breasts!" Hermione protested against her own will.

"That's the point 'Mione!" Ginny said looking at her friend in a tight black dress, something what a prostitute would wear on a night out.

"No its not! I want a dress that describes me. Not a silly girl that's searching for a one-night stand!" Hermione overreacted.

Ginny scowled at her but she knew Hermione was right. She was never too fond of revealing dresses. After an hour of searching, they finally found a knee length silky scarlet dress that made Hermione look like a goddess walking among plain humans.

"I don't even know why I'm making such a fuss. Its only dinner"

"You're going to look amazing."

"He's not even going to see me. We are meeting up at that Dans Le Noir restaurant." Hermione explained whilst she headed back to the changing room.

"Dan lar- what?" Ginny was taken by surprise from the French pronunciation.

"Dans Le Noir, its French for 'in the dark'. We will be dining in absolute darkness. 'It will change your perspective of the world by inverting your point of view. It is a sensory experience that awakes your senses and enables you to completely re-evaluate your perception of taste and smell'" Hermione explained as she quoted her research on the restaurant.

By Ginny's silence from behind the curtain, Hermione knew she was shocked.

"At least that's what it said on the website."

"Sounds fascinating." Ginny bluntly stated.

"Urghh I really want him to like me!" Hermione said as she dragged the curtain open.

"Hermione he will be drooling over you, all night long. Just please, be careful" Ginny told her friend as they purchased the dress.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, just something feels wrong about him. I know he's intelligent and as witty as you are, but he is still a stranger. It just seems too good to be true that's all. Be careful alright?"

"I will Ginny, don't worry it's just dinner and a conversation. Nothing more. I promise."

They paid for the dress and left the shop. Heading for a nearby café, where Ron and Harry were waiting for them.

The next day couldn't come quick enough for Hermione. Even her workday had flown by, due to her excitement. Usually her day would drag and feel like she's been there for ages. But it was soon over and she headed home to get ready for her night out.

Hermione stood in front of the bathroom mirror, after her shower and applied some moisture to her skin. She then started on her makeup, making her look prettier than she already was naturally.

Once her face was full of cosmetics, she then decided on what shoes and jacket would go best with her dress. She opted for her black strapped heels and her black thin shawl. Hermione got dressed and observed herself throughout the full length mirror. She had to admit, she would make an impression. But this wasn't a normal date, so she had to put her mind to the test and dazzle him with her witty conversation.

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