Author S

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Chapter 17

Hermione rose out of bed, with a splitting headache. She was so glad it was Saturday morning, which meant a lazy day in bed. Or to her dismissal a day of cleaning the house and grocery shopping. Her day today wasn't set on a timescale. So she lay in bed for another half an hour soaking in the sunlight that shone through her curtains.

A tap on the window, kept waking her back up as she drifted in and out of sleep. She lazily sauntered over to the window and let a black bird into the room. Hermione released the letter from its claw and sealed the letter open eagerly. She wasn't expecting a response so soon.

Dear Miss Granger,

I really enjoyed your letter and your suggestion intrigued me, to the point that I personally tested it. The potion of course will not be ready soon, but I am sure that many werewolves will be glad to test it out. I admire your intelligence and hope that you will never lose the sparkle, that makes you question everything around you or searching new ways for improvement. That teacher of yours sounds more like your mentor, I bet he is very proud of you.


Author S

Hermione smiled at the letter in her hands. She felt a warm feeling in her heart, that she had not felt in a while. His words felt familiar, but the signature was unrecognisable. She secretly hoped that his 'S's would be the same, as how Severus used to sign his letters. It wasn't. The handwriting was more small and narrow, than Severus' fancy average sized type of writing.

She immediately took a seat at her desk, still dressed in her tank top and pyjama bottoms. Hermione intently scribbled away, with the first thing in her head for a response.

Dear Author S,

I am very honoured by your interests in my theory. Although I wouldn't go as far as to test it out, my confidence in potion making lacked after I first failed in making the draught of living death in my sixth year. I just took a hunch in sending you a letter, I never really expected a response. I actually thought my letter would lie a pile of unread letters; unforgotten for years to come. Due to your anonymous identity and thousands of wizards wanting to unmask you. I for one, find it brave and daring, that is one of the few traits of being a Gryffindor I quite enjoy. My teacher did in fact mentor me in a way and I hope he was proud of me, but that is something I can't really ask now.

Yours Sincerely,

Hermione Granger

Hermione handed the black bird a knut, before watching it fly away into the distance with her letter. She was up and alert now. That only meant that the housework needed to be started. No one else was going to do it for her.

Around lunch time the housework was up to speed and Hermione was just getting ready to go food shopping, until the same bird from before was perched at her kitchen window.

Dear Miss Granger,

The potion is doing fine, actually far more better than I had guessed. If you don't already have a master in potions, you should consider about getting one. You are always welcome to write to me, I enjoy your letters and your intelligence. I also really appreciate the fact that you despite all of my other fans, don't want to uncover me.

Believe me when I say this Miss Granger, your teacher is very very proud of you.


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